الكلمة: @PW

نطق: kan-naw'

سترونغ: H7067

استخدام: TWOT-2038b Adjective

اليوناني سترونغ: G2207 G2208 G2581

السبعينيه يعادل

    1. غيور , غيرة

    2. ~
    1) one burning with zeal, a zealot
    2) used of God as jealous of any rival and sternly vindicating his control
    3) most eagerly desirous of, zealous for, a thing
    3a) to acquire a thing, (zealous of)
    3b) to defend and uphold a thing, vehemently contending for a thing

    From the time of the Maccabees there existed among the Jews a class of men, called Zealots, who vigorously adhered to the Mosaic law and endeavouring even by a resort to violence, after the example of Phinehas, to prevent religion from being violated by others; but in the latter days of the Jewish commonwealth they used their holy zeal as a pretext for the basest crimes.

    3. Canaanite = "zealous"

    1) the surname of apostle Simon, otherwise known as "Simon Zelotes"