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    29:1 [] Kai exhkolouqhsen o Iwb thn parabolhn autou kai eipen×

    29:2 W na hmhn wV eiV touV parelqontaV mhnaV, wV en taiV hmeraiV ote o QeoV me efulatten×

    29:3 ote o lucnoV autou efeggen epi thV kefalhV mou, kai dia tou fwtoV autou periepatoun en tw skotei×

    29:4 kaqwV hmhn en taiV hmeraiV thV akmhV mou, ote h eunoia tou Qeou hto epi thn skhnhn mou×

    29:5 ote o PantodunamoV hto met' emou, kai ta paidia mou kuklw mou×

    29:6 ote eplunon ta bhmata mou me bouturon, kai o bracoV execee di' eme potamouV elaiou×

    29:7 [] ote dia thV polewV exhrcomhn eiV thn pulhn, htoimazon thn kaqedran mou en th plateia

    29:8 Oi neoi me eblepon kai ekruptonto× kai oi geronteV egeiromenoi istanto.

    29:9 Oi arconteV epauon omilounteV kai eballon ceira epi to stoma autwn.

    29:10 H fwnh twn egkritwn ekrateito, kai h glwssa autwn ekollato eiV ton ouraniskon autwn.

    29:11 Ote to wtion hkoue kai me emakarize, kai o ofqalmoV eblepe kai emarturei uper emou×

    29:12 dioti hleuqeroun ton ptwcon bownta kai ton orfanon ton mh econta bohqon.

    29:13 H eulogia tou apollumenou hrceto ep' eme× kai thn kardian thV chraV eufrainon.

    29:14 Eforoun dikaiosunhn kai eneduomhn thn euquthta mou wV ependuthn kai diadhma.

    29:15 Hmhn ofqalmoV eiV ton tuflon kai pouV eiV ton cwlon egw.

    29:16 Hmhn pathr eiV touV ptwcouV, kai thn dikhn thn opoian den egnwrizon exicniazon.

    29:17 Kai sunetribon touV kunodontaV tou adikou kai apespwn to qhrama apo twn odontwn autou.

    29:18 [] Tote elegon, qelw apoqanei en th fwlea mou kai wV thn ammon qelw pollaplasiasei taV hmeraV mou.

    29:19 H riza mou hto anoikth proV ta udata, kai h drosoV dienuktereuen epi twn kladwn mou.

    29:20 H doxa mou aneneouto en emoi, kai to toxon mou ekratuneto en th ceiri mou.

    29:21 Me hkroazonto proseconteV kai eiV thn sumboulhn mou esiwpwn.

    29:22 Meta touV logouV mou den proseqeton ouden, kai h omilia mou estalazen ep' autouV.

    29:23 Kai me periemenon wV thn brochn× kai hsan kechnoteV wV dia thn oyimon brochn.

    29:24 Egelwn proV autouV, kai den episteuon× kai thn faidrothta tou proswpou mou den afinon na pesh.

    29:25 Ean hreskomhn eiV thn odon autwn, ekaqhmhn prwtoV, kai kateskhnoun wV basileuV en tw strateumati, wV o parhgorwn touV teqlimmenouV.


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