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    44:1 [] <> Qee, me ta wta hmwn hkousamen, oi patereV hmwn dihghqhsan proV hmaV to ergon, to opoion epraxaV en taiV hmeraiV autwn, en hmeraiV arcaiaiV.

    44:2 Su dia thV ceiroV sou exediwxaV eqnh kai efuteusaV autouV× kateqliyaV laouV kai apediwxaV autouV.

    44:3 Dioti den eklhronomhsan thn ghn dia thV romfaiaV autwn, kai o braciwn autwn den eswsen autouV× all' h dexia sou kai o braciwn sou kai to fwV tou proswpou sou× dioti euhresthqhV eiV autouV.

    44:4 Su eisai o basileuV mou, Qee, o diorizwn taV swthriaV tou Iakwb.

    44:5 Dia sou qelomen katabalei touV ecqrouV hmwn× dia tou onomatoV sou qelomen katapathsei touV epanistamenouV ef' hmaV×

    44:6 Dioti den qelw elpisei epi to toxon oude h romfaia mou qelei me swsei.

    44:7 Dioti su eswsaV hmaV ek twn ecqrwn hmwn kai kathscunaV touV misountaV hmaV×

    44:8 eiV ton Qeon qelomen kaucasqai olhn thn hmeran, kai to onoma sou eiV ton aiwna qelomen umnei. Diayalma.

    44:9 [] OmwV apebaleV kai kathscunaV hmaV, kai den exercesai pleon meta twn strateumatwn hmwn.

    44:10 EkameV hmaV na streywmen eiV ta opisw emprosqen tou ecqrou× kai oi misounteV hmaV diarpazousi ta hmetera eiV eautouV.

    44:11 ParedwkaV hmaV wV probata eiV brwsin kai eiV ta eqnh dieskorpisaV hmaV.

    44:12 EpwlhsaV ton laon sou aneu timhV, kai den huxhsaV ton plouton sou ek thV pwlhsewV autwn.

    44:13 KatesthsaV hmaV oneidoV eiV touV geitonaV hmwn, katagelwn kai cleuasmon eiV touV perix hmwn.

    44:14 KatesthsaV hmaV paroimian metaxu twn eqnwn, kinhsin kefalhV metaxu twn lawn.

    44:15 Olhn thn hmeran h entroph mou einai enwpion mou, kai h aiscunh tou proswpou mou me ekaluye×

    44:16 dia thn fwnhn tou oneidizontoV kai ubrizontoV× dia ton ecqron kai ekdikhthn.

    44:17 [] Panta tauta hlqon ef' hmaV, omwV den se elhsmonhsamen kai den hqethsamen thn diaqhkhn sou×

    44:18 Oude estrafh eiV ta opisw h kardia hmwn, oude exeklinan ta bhmata hmwn apo thV odou sou.

    44:19 An kai sunetriyaV hmaV en tw topw twn drakontwn kai periekaluyaV hmaV dia thV skiaV tou qanatou.

    44:20 Ean elhsmonoumen to onoma tou Qeou hmwn kai exeteinomen taV ceiraV hmwn eiV Qeon allotrion,

    44:21 o QeoV den hqelen exetasei touto; dioti autoV exeurei ta krufia thV kardiaV.

    44:22 Oti eneka sou qanatoumeqa olhn thn hmeran× elogisqhmen wV probata sfaghV.

    44:23 Exegerqhti, dia ti kaqeudeiV, Kurie; exegerqhti, mh apobalhV hmaV diapantoV.

    44:24 Dia ti krupteiV to proswpon sou; lhsmoneiV thn talaipwrian hmwn kai thn katadunasteusin hmwn;

    44:25 Dioti etapeinwqh ewV cwmatoV h yuch hmwn× ekollhqh eiV thn ghn h koilia hmwn.

    44:26 Anasthqi eiV bohqeian hmwn kai lutrwson hmaV eneken tou eleouV sou.


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