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  • Christ as the Door and as the Shepherd.

    29.  Christ as the Door and as the Shepherd.

    But as one cannot be in the Father or with the Father except by ascending from below upwards and coming first to the divinity of the Son, through which one may be led by the hand and brought to the blessedness of the Father Himself, so the Saviour has the inscription “The Door.”  And as He is a lover of men, and approves the impulse of human souls to better things, even of those who do not hasten to reason (the Logos), but like sheep have a weakness and gentleness apart from all accuracy and reason, so He is the Shepherd.  For the Lord saves men and beasts,4597

    4597 Ps. xxxvi. 6.

    and Israel and Juda are sowed with the seed not of men only but also of beasts.4598

    4598 Jer. xxxi. 27.


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