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    Chapter 27.—51.  Privatus of Sufes1689

    1689 See n. 6. p. 475.

    said:  "What can be said of the man who approves the baptism of heretics, save that he communicates with heretics?"1690

    1690 Conc. Carth. sec. 20.

    52.  To this we answer:  It is not the baptism of heretics which we approve in heretics, as it is not the baptism of the covetous, or the treacherous, or deceitful, or of robbers, or of envious men which we approve in them; for all of these are unjust, but Christ is just, whose sacrament existing in them, they do not in its essence violate.  Otherwise another man might say:  What can be said of the man who approves the baptism of the unjust, save that he communicates with the unjust.  And if this objection were brought against the Catholic Church herself, it would be answered just as I have answered the above.


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