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  • The Anti-Manichæan Writings



    Abominations alleged to have been practised by the Manichæans, the legitimate result of Mani’s own writings, 363 sq.

    Abraham defended against Faustus, 284 etc.; and Hagar, 284; his denial of his wife, 285; the prophetic and typical character of, 287.

    Abraham and Isaac, types, 191.

    Abstemiousness on the part of Catholic ascetics, motives of, 61.

    Abstinence from meats and drinks, 60 etc.; of the Manichæans, 76 etc.; reasons for, 77 etc., 78 etc.; view of Faustus respecting, 328 etc.; refutation of Faustus on the question of, 330 etc.

    Actions, how to be judged, 76.

    Adam and Eve, Mani’s account of, 134 sq.; types, 186.

    Adam fell, not because the tree was evil, but because obedience to God was something better than the fruit, 358 sq.

    Adas, a Manichæan writer, 33.

    Adimantus and his doctrine referred to, 170, 232, 233.

    Adoneus, 218.

    Adoption, symbolism of, and its application to the genealogy of Christ, 159, 160.

    Agapius, a Manichæan writer, 33.

    Albiruni’s Chronology of Ancient Nations, referred to, 3, 9.

    Alexander of Lycopolis, treatise of, on the Tenets of the Manichæans, referred to, 3.

    Al-Sharastani’s History of Religious Parties, referred to, 3.

    Anathemas more suitable than arguments for Manichæan contradictions, 268.

    Anchorites and Cœnobites, the—the continence of, set off against the continence of the Manichæans, 59 etc.

    Angel, the, wrestling with Jacob, 191 sq.

    Animal food, inconsistency of the Manichæans in abstaining from, 82.

    Animal sacrifices, why no longer binding on Christians, 169 sq.

    Animals, the power ascribed to, by the Manichæans, 268.

    Anthropology of the Manichæans, 12.

    Anthropomorphisms of the Old Testament, ridiculed by Faustus and explained by Augustin, 319 sq.

    Anthropomorphites, the, not so bad as the Manichæans, 139.

    Aphthonius, a Manichæan writer, 33.

    Apocryphal books quoted by Augustin as if canonical, 49; Augustin’s predilection for, 250.

    Appetites, legitimate use of, 284.

    Arcadius Augustus, Consol, 113.

    Archelaus, Acta Disputationis, referred to, 4, 7, 8, 22.

    Aristocritus, Theosophy of, 33.

    Ark, the, of Noah, its typical signification, 188 sq.; the raven and dove sent out of, 189 sq.; how Noah and his family entered and left, 191; and baptism, 243 sq.

    Asceticism, Catholic, 59 sq.

    Ascetics, Catholic, 166.

    Athenian female criminals, 72 sq.

    Atlas, 255.

    Augustin, how he was ensnared by the Manichæans, 24 sq.; how he escaped through Greek philosophy, 25; how he found in Neo-Platonism the solution of the great problems that had hitherto baffled him, 25 sq.; how he used Neo-Platonism against Manichæism, 26 sq.; his perverse hermeneutical methods, 28; confirmed in Manichæism by his easy victories over ignorant Christians, 101; recounts his experience in Manichæan error, and expresses his sympathy with the deluded Manichæans, 129 sq.; dissatisfaction of, with his anti-Manichæan statements about free will, sin, etc., 96, 102, et passim.

    Authority, ecclesiastical, position assigned to by Augustin, 130, 131.

    Authority, the, of Scripture, 339.

    Authorship of books, how ascertained, 343.


    Babylon, the captivity in, and return from, 194.

    Babylonian religion, ancient, dualistic elements in, 6 sq.; relation of, to Manichæism, 19 sq.

    Bahraim, king of Persia, slays Mani, 8.

    Baptism and the ark, 243 sq.

    Barhebraeus’ Historia Dynastiarum, referred to, 3.

    Baur on the relation of Buddhism to Manichæism, 20, 21.

    Baur’s treatise on Manichæism, referred to, 4, 16, 20, 158, 253.

    Beausobre’s work on Manichæism referred to, 4, 31, 32, 33, 34.

    Beauty, the, of the universe, a result of the corruption and destruction of inferior things, 352 sq.

    Bema, the, of Mamchæus, 132 sq.

    Bersabee, Uriah’s wife, a type, 307 sq.

    Bilhah and Zilpah 293.

    Bindemann’s treatise on Augustin, referred to 29, 35.

    Biological blunders, 172.

    Birth of Jesus, the, the absurd statement of Faustus respecting, 257 sq.

    Blasphemies, Manichæan, concerning the nature of God, 360 sq.

    Blood, abstinence from, 336.

    Blunders of school-boys illustrative of Manichæan errors about God, 282 sq.

    Bodies of saints, nothing disgraceful in, 327.

    Body, of our neighbor, duty of doing good to the, 55; the human, man’s heaviest bond, 53; God’s handiwork, 267 sq.; and soul, the, 43.

    Böhringer quoted, 32. 36.

    Breast, the, Manichæan symbol of, 86, etc.

    Broadus on Matthew, referred to, 161.

    Buddhism, relation of to Manichæism, 20 sq.

    Buddhist monks and the Elect of the Manichæans, 21.

    Burton on the Heresies of the Apostolic Age referred to, 31.


    Caiaphas, his prophecy, 228.

    Cain, Abel’s offering preferred to the offering of, 185, 186; counselled by God, 186; questioned by God respecting Abel, 135; cursed, 135, 136; a mourner and an abject, 187; the mark set on, 187.

    Calderwood’s Mind and Brain, referred to, 137.

    Calf, the golden—significance of the grinding to powder, and burning of, 310.

    Captivity, the, of the Jews, 194, 195.

    Carpenter’s Mental Physiology, referred to, 137.

    Cataphrygians, 338.

    Cave, on the writing of Faustus criticized by Augustin, 34.

    Chambers on Hermes Trismegistus, cited, 200.

    Christ, the birth of, denied by the Manichæans,—but defended, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181183; knowing, after the flesh, what it means, ibid.; types of, 186 etc., 190 etc.; prophecies of, 196 etc.; plain prophecies of, 197; the death of, real, 209; did Moses write of? 220 etc., 221 etc.; what Moses wrote of, 222 etc.; the Prophet like to Moses, 225; never sought to turn Israel from their God, 229; broke no command, 229; Manichæan notions of, 253 sq.; the power and wisdom of, 255; curious statement of Faustus respecting, 257 etc.; why descended from Zara of Tamar, 296; Son of David and Son of God, 314 sq.; son of Mary—Faustus’ objections refuted, 316 etc. [See Jesus.]

    Christians, the Church not to be blamed for bad, 60 sq.; semi and pseudo, 156; why Jewish laws are not observed by, 242 etc.; Jewish and Gentile, their relation respectively to the law, 244 sq.; observe the moral precepts of the law, 246; the morals of, 263 sq.

    Christianity, Manichæan objections to, 22 sq.; relation of Manichæism to, 22 sq.

    Church, the Catholic, the perfect truth is to be found only in, 50; the teacher of wisdom, 58; conspicuously visible, 204; the, identified by Augustin with Christianity, and apostrophised, 58, 62.

    Chwolson on the Sabeans and Sabeanism, referred to, 5.

    Cicero quoted, 271.

    Circumcision, a prophecy of Christ, 134; why Christians do not practice, 242.

    Clean and unclean food, 170, 172.

    Clement of Alexandria mentioned, 69.

    Clergy, praise of the, 60.

    Cloud and pillar of fire, types, 193.

    Cœnobites and Anchorites, their abstinence as compared with that of the Manichæans, 59 etc., 60 etc.

    Common report, 201.

    Compassionate, 55.

    Compassion regarded by fools as degrading, 56.

    Constantius, a reformed Manichæan, 165.

    Contrary nature urged by Fortunatus as the source of sin, 120 sq.

    Corporeal natures all from God, 96.

    Corruption, 71; counteracted by God, 71; evil is, 147; the source of, 147; comes from nothing, 149; what it tends to, 149; is by God’s permission, and comes from us, 150; voluntary and penal, 352.

    Cosmogony of the Manichæans, 11.

    Covetousness the root of all evils, 51.

    Cow dung used as fuel, 81.

    Creating and forming, difference between, 71.

    Creature of God, none evil, but to abuse a creature of God is evil, 359.

    Creatures made of nothing, 356 sq.

    Criticism, biblical, the true, 178; unfair, of Faustus, 314; subjective, of the Manichæans, 57 sq.

    Critics, childish, severely censured, 282.

    Cruelty imputed by the Manichæans to the God of the Old Testament, 276sq.; of the Manichæans in refusing to give food to others than the Elect, and in compelling children belonging to their own sect to eat immoderately, 83.

    Cultus of the Manichæans, 14.

    Cunningham’s Hulsean Lectures, referred to, 5, 29, 58.

    Cunningham on the relation of Buddhism to Manichæism, 21.

    Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree,” 207 sq.

    Curses, prophetic, 228.

    Cyprian referred to, 165.

    Cyril of Jerusalem on the Manichæans, referred to, 4.


    Daniel’s representation of the Son of Man, 197.

    Darkness, the Manichæan kingdom of, 136; five natures in the, 142; refutation of the theory of, 142, 143; the Manichæan race of, 171.

    Darmstetter’s Introduction to the Zend-Avesta, and article in the Contemporary Review, referred to, 17, 18.

    David, his virtues and his faults, 297 sq.; and Saul, 298; prophetic significance of the sin of,. 307.

    Death, the effect of sin, 208; of Christ, the, a real death, 209; without birth a possibility on the part of Christ, 320 sq.

    Decalogue, the, against the Manichæans, 215 etc.

    Deities, false, 215.

    Demons have no power apart from God, yet they have been made evil, not by God, but by sinning, 358.

    Diligence and piety both necessary for finding the truth, 41.

    Discipline, 56; what it implies, 56.

    Disputations of Augustin with the Manichæans, 34.

    Divorce, a bill of, 249 sq.; the law of Christ respecting, 251.

    Docetism, 326 sq.; the, of Faustus, 323, 326 sq.

    Dorner, A., his work on Augustin referred to, 26.

    Dualism, 264 sq.; in the ancient Babylonian religion, 6 sq.


    Eating, on the part of the Elect, a means of liberating the divine substance imprisoned in vegetables and fruits, 85.

    Eclecticism with reference to the Old Testament, attributed by Faustus to the Catholics, 332 sq.

    Edessa, Chronicle of, referred to, 31.

    Egyptian, Moses killing the, 309.

    Egyptians, spoiling the, 299 sq., 309.

    Elect, secrecy of the rites of the, 114; Augustin’s suggestion of shameful practices on the part of, 114.

    Elijah, fed by ravens, etc., 194; the translation of—Faustus’ objection to, answered, 320 sq., 322.

    Elisha, the miracles of, 194.

    Enoch, 188.

    Ephraem Syrus, writings of, referred to, 3.

    Epiphanius on the Manichæans, referred to, 4, 31.

    Er and Onan, sons of Tamar, types, 306.

    Eschatology of the Manichæans, 15.

    Esnig, against Marcion and Mani, referred to, 3.

    Esoteric doctrines among the Manichæans, 33.

    Ethics of the Manichæans, 16.

    Eusebius on the Manichæans, referred to, 4, 8, 31.

    Eutychius’ Annales, referred to, 3.

    Evangelists, the authority of the, 174.

    Everlasting punishment inconsistent with Augustin’s view of evil, 70.

    Evidence, the use of, 198.

    Evil beings may entice to sin without themselves sinning, 106.

    Evil, corruption of measure, form, and order, 352; did God institute it? 119 sq.; negativity of, 70 etc.; simply defect of good, and so not of God, 100 sq.; what? first answer, 69; second answer, 70; third answer, 71; not a substance but a disagreement hostile to substance, 72 etc.; Manichæan fictions about, 73, etc.; is corruption, 147; the source of, 147; origin of, 281 sq.

    Evil and good, 270 sq.

    Evils attributed by the Manichæans to the nature of God, before the supposed commingling with evil, 361 sq.; in what sense from God, 149.

    Existence, true, belongs to God alone, 354 sq.

    Exodus, the, of Israel from Egypt, a type, 192.

    Eye for an Eye,” etc., 248 sq.


    Fabricius’ Bibliotheca Græca, referred to, 33.

    Faith, confounded with orthodox doctrine by Augustin, 164; the Catholic proofs of, 130.

    Fallaciousness of Mani’s pretensions, 135 sq.

    Faustus the Manichæan, who, 155; his praise of himself, 159; the hypocrisy of, 165; would fail to satisfy an inquirer, 205, 206; his logic, 230; his Docetism, 323, 326 sq.

    Fihrist, Kitab al, referred to, 3, 7, 8; et passim, cited, 9 sq., 21.

    Firdausi’s Shahnameh, referred to, 3.

    First man, the, of the Manichæans, 157; different from Paul’s, 157, 178, 179.

    Flesh, knowing Christ after the—refutation of Faustus respecting the question, 177 sq., 180, 181, 182.

    Flood, the, its symbolic import, 189.

    Fluegel on Mani, referred to, 5.

    Fly, the soul of a, more excellent than light, 97.

    Food, distinction in, why Christians do not practice, 242; reasons for abstaining from certain kinds of, 77; clean and unclean, 170; various kinds of, prohibited in the Old Testament, 335 sq.; the laws of Moses and of Christ respecting, 232.

    Forgiveness, taught in the Old Testament, 250 sq.

    Form, an element of the good, 352 sq.

    Fortitude, 53; Scripture precepts respecting, and examples of, 53.

    Fortunatus, the Manichæan, disputation against, 109 sq.; confounded, 123.

    Free choice belonging to man before the fall, 122.

    Fulfilling the law, what is means, 236 etc., 241 etc.

    Fulfillment of prophecy by Christ, 239 sq.

    Fundamental Epistle of Mani quoted, 22; criticised by Augustin, 125 sq.; quoted, 361 sq.


    Gataker on the significance of Mani’s name, 31.

    Genealogy of Christ, objections of Faustus the Manichæan to, and reply, 159 sq., 173 etc.

    Gentiles, the, never under the Jewish law, 245 etc.; Christians accused of retaining the manners of, 263.

    Genuineness of the New Testament writings, how ascertained, 343.

    Gifts, spiritual, 267.

    Glorification of Christ, the, 134.

    God, following, 44; the knowledge of, whence obtained, 44; the chief good, 44; what the Church teaches about, 45, 46; the one object of love, 46, 51; nothing better than, 46; nothing can separate us from, 47; we are invited to, by love, 47; we are joined inseparably to, by Christ and His Spirit, 47; we cleave to, by love, 48; absurd Manichæan notions about, 79 etc., 139; has no extension, 138; alone perfectly good, 147; nature made by, 149; in what sense evils are from, 149; the belief in one, part of the original truth, 261; the same who punishes and blesses, 174; the works of, 266 etc.; the eternal light, and the source of light, 274 etc.; astonished, 275; Old Testament representations of, vindicated, 275 sq.; jealous, 277 sq.; the omnipotence of, 322; the, of the Jews, how Faustus speaks of, 237, 273; and Hyle, of the Manichæans, 264 sq., 272, 279 sq., 311 sq.; of this world, the, 264, 268; declared by Augustin to be incorruptible, impenetrable and incontaminable, against the Manichæans, 113 sq.; the author of whatever is, 99; cannot suffer harm, 353, 359; if He could suffer no injury, why did He send us hither? 122; is He pressed by necessity? 123; Manichæan view of the mingling of the substance of with evil expounded by Fortunatus and refuted by Augustin, 116 sq.; not defiled by our sins, 357; unchangeable, 356.

    Godliness, form of without the power, 243 sq.

    Good, the chief, two conditions of, 42, 43; God the, 46, 69; a two-fold, 70; exhortation to seek the, 150; and evil, 270 sq.; doing, to our neighbor, 55, 56; nature of, 351 sq.; present even in bodies that in comparison with better things are popularly accounted evil, 353 sq.; the highest, God, 351 sq.; things from God alone, 353, 357; things put by the Manichæans in the nature of evil, 143 sq., 359 sq.

    Gospel, the, on what authority Augustin received 131; what—refutations of Manichæism respecting, 156, 157.

    Gospels, the harmony of, 343 sq.


    Habit, the pernicious power of, 121.

    Hagar and Sarah, 284.

    Hand, the, as a Manichæan symbol, 83 etc.

    Happiness, true, 42 etc.

    Hardouin’s Councils, referred to, 4.

    Harmony, the, of the Old and New Testaments, 44, 49, 55, 56; of the Gospels, 343 sq.

    Harnack on the Acta Disputationis, referred to, 4; Art. on Manichæism, referred to, 5, 17; quoted, 24; on the relation of Buddhism to Manichæism, 21.

    Hebrew prophecy, 201.

    Hebrews and Pagans, the difference between the worship of, 263.

    Hefele’s Councils, referred to, 4.

    Heraclides, a Manichæan writer, 33.

    Heretics, better to restore than to destroy, 129.

    Hermes Trismegistus, 200, 205.

    Hervey’s work on Genealogies referred to, 161.

    Hidden meanings the sweetest, 188.

    Hierax, Commentary of mentioned, 33.

    Holy Spirit, Manichæan view of criticised by Augustin, 257 sq.; the, when sent, 133; twice given, 134.

    Hormizdas, king of Persia, 32.

    Hosea, commanded to take to him a “wife of whoredoms,” 304, 308.

    Hyde on the significance of Mani’s name, 31.

    Hyle, 253, 259; and God, 264 sq., 271 sq.; Faustus’ view of, 253; not evil, 354.


    Idolatry, the result of apostacy, 261; did the Jews practice it? 263.

    Immoral practices of the Manichæans, 87 sq., 362 sq.

    Incarnation, the Apostle Paul on, 177 sq.; of Christ, the, objection of Faustus to, 159, 316.

    Indirect construction, instances of, 235.

    Indulgences, Manichæan, 166 sq., 330.

    Infants, sinfulness of, thought to be inconsistent with Augustin’s definition of sin, 104.

    Infinity of God, the, questions about, 320.

    Inquirer, the heathen, how answered and instructed, 201203; a difficulty of, met, 203; satisfied, 205.

    Inquisitiveness condemned in Scripture, 52.

    Iras, 293.

    Isaac and Rebecca, 289.


    Jacob, sets up a stone for a memorial pillar, 191; his vision of the ladder, 192; his polygamy, 289 sq.; his wives, and the typical or symbolical meaning of, 290 sq.

    Jericho the capture of, 193.

    Jesus, hanging from every tree, 257; was He born of Mary?—cavils of Faustus, 312 etc.; both Son of David and Son of God—Faustus refuted, 314 etc.; did He die?—objections of Faustus refuted, 320 sq.; was He born?—reply to Faustus, 324; both the birth and death of, real, not illusory, 326 sq. [See Christ.]

    Jesus patabilis, 158, 253.

    Jewish books, learning the Christian faith from, 227; laws and observances—why Christians do not observe, 242 etc.; observed by Jewish, but not by Gentile Christians, 244 sq.

    Jews, the, typified by Cain, 186188; their unbelief foretold, 203, 204.

    Joachim, a priest, alleged by Faustus to be the father of the Virgin Mary, 313 sq., 315 sq.

    John of Damascus on the Manichæans, referred to, 4.

    John the Baptist, 307.

    Joseph, a type, 192.

    Joshua and Jesus, 226.

    Journal of the Asiatic Society, referred to, 3.

    Judah, the blessing of, its prophetic import, 196; the incest of, with Tamar, 295; and Judas, 296; the prophetic significance of his incest with Tamar, 305 etc.

    Judaism, relation of Manichæism to, 21 sq.

    Judges, types in the book of, 194.

    Justice towards God, 54.


    Kessler’s list of Mani’s writings, referred to, 32; on the relation of Buddhism to Manichæism, 21; works of, on Manichæism, referred to, 5.

    Kingdom of Heaven,” 252.

    Kingdom of light, the Manichæan, 135 etc., 138.


    Ladder, Jacob’s vision of the, 192.

    Lardner referred to, 33, 34, 35, 36.

    Latria, 262.

    Law, the,. not for Gentiles, 175 sq.; always good, 218; the, and grace, 217; and the prophets, Jesus came not to destroy, but to fulfill—genuineness of the words, 234 etc.; why Christians do not keep the, 192; Faustus’ explanation of the words, 239 etc.; reply to Faustus respecting, 241 etc., 242 etc.; and Judaism, distinguished between by Faustus, 272 etc.; the eternal, 284.

    Leah and Rachel, 290 sq.

    Lenormant’s Ancient History, quoted, 17; Chaldean Magic, referred to, 6.

    Lex talionis, the, 248 sq.

    Life, thy, thou shalt see hanging,” etc., 227.

    Light, God is, and the source of, 274 sq.; the Manichæan kingdom of, 135 etc., 138.

    Loesche on Augustin’s indebtedness to Plotinus referred to, 26.

    Logic, the, of Faustus, 229, 230.

    Lord’s day, the, and Sunday, 238.

    Lot, and his daughters, 287 sq.; not equal to Abraham, Isaac or Jacob, 294 sq.

    Love, to God, 44; we are united to God by, 47, 48; the fourfold division of, 48; the guiding influence of, 50; of ourselves and of our neighbor, 55; the teaching of the Old Testament as well as of the New, 56 sq.; to enemies, 248 sq.

    Love-feasts, 261.

    Loving and hating, 248.


    Maccabees, heroism of, to be imitated by Christians, 244.

    Man, what? 42; the chief good of, 43; wholly created by God—refutation of Faustus respecting, 316 sq.; fleshly and spiritual, 316 sq.

    Mandæism, relation of to Manichæism, and to the old Babylonian religious system, 19 sq.

    Mandrakes, description of, and the supposed virtues and typical import of; explained, 293 sq.

    Mani, sketch of, 8 sq.; theology of, 9 sq.; cosmogony of, 10 sq,; anthropology of, 12 sq.; soteriology of, 13 sq.; cultus of, 14 sq.; eschatology of, 15 sq.; ethics of, 16; the exaltation of, by his followers above Christ, shown by the attention which they bestow upon the anniversary of his martyrdom, and their neglect of the anniversary of Christ’s death and resurrection, 132 sq.; name of, etymology of, 247; claims to be an apostle—the claim refuted, 130, 131 etc., 200; why he called himself an apostle, 131; in what sense his followers believed him to be the Holy Spirit, 132; the festival of the birthday of, 132; promises truth but fails to fulfill his word, 134; wild fancies of, 134, 135; the two substances of his kingdom of light, 135; promises knowledge, 135, 136; his absurd fancy of a land and race of darkness, 136; refutation of his absurd ideas of two territories, 138, etc.; the number of natures in the system of, 140 etc.; his five natures in the region of darkness—refutation of the fiction, 142, 143; sworn by, 247; derivation of the name, 247; which is, he or Matthew to be believed? 325; versus the apostles, 331.

    Manichæan god, the, weak or cruel, 159.

    Manichæism, how it attracted Christians, 23 sq.; later, sketch of, 29; explained by Faustus, 252 etc.; exposed, 254 etc.

    Manichæans, and not Catholics, obedient to the precepts of the gospel, maintained by Faustus and denied by Augustin, 162 sq.; the, two tricks of, for catching the unwary, 41; the two gods of, 45; fictions of, about things good and evil, 63 etc.; three moral symbols devised by, 74 etc., 83 etc., 86 etc.; fables of, about God, 75; the abstinence of, 76; why they prohibit the use of flesh, 79 etc.; absurd tenets of, relating to God, 79 etc.; views of, relating to souls, 82; notions of, respecting marriage, 86; serious charges of immorality brought against, 8689; to be gently dealt with, 129; their kingdom of darkness, 136, 142, 143; worse than the Anthropomorphists, 139; the first man of, 157; their perverse method of dealing with Scripture, evidence in controversy, 178; the idolatry of, 210; impeached of great errors and sins, 214 etc.; the Decalogue against, 216 etc.; beguiled by the serpent, 218, 219; are tares, 238; the oath used by, 247; the worship of, 255 sq., 260; the trinity of, 252, 258; the two principles of, 270 etc.; the God of, 279 sq., 311 sq.; apocryphal gospels of, 303 sq.

    Mansi’s Councils referred to, 4.

    Marcel, Mani’s letter to, 33.

    Mark, the, set on Cain, 187.

    Marriage allowed to the baptized by the apostles, 62, 63; among the Manichæans, 86, 87; with sisters, 286.

    Married life, continence in, 58.

    Marry, forbidding to, 328 etc., 330 etc.

    Martyrs, honors paid to, 261 sq.; the numbers of, 301 sq.

    Mary, the Virgin, did she belong to the tribe of Judah?—assertion of Faustus, and refutation of the same, 313 sq.

    Material substances not evil, but only seemingly so from their lack of adaptation to certain constitutions and circumstances, 72 sq.

    Mattarians, a Manichæan sect, 165.

    Matthew, the call of, 234 sq.; the genuineness of the Gospel of, 325; or Manichæus which to be believed, 325 sq.

    Means, the use of, 286 sq.

    Meats and drinks, abstinence from, or the reverse, 60, 61, 330.

    Measure, an element of the good, 352 sq.; belongs to things regarded as immoderately small or great, 355; in a sense, suitable to God himself, 355.

    Menoch, Mani’s letter to, 33.

    Memory, 137.

    Milman’s History of Christianity, referred to, 31.

    Mind, is it diffused throughout the entire nervous system? 137; has no material extension, 138; the, degraded by departing from God, 47.

    Miracle and nature, 321 sq.

    Moral precepts of the Old Testament observed by Christians, symbolical precepts, not, 177.

    Morality of the law and the prophets, 272 sq.

    Months, origin of the names of, 238.

    Morals, the, of the Christians, 263.

    Moses, the rod of, a type, 192; censured by Faustus for using the word “cursed,” and defended, 207, 208 etc.; did he write of Christ? 219 etc., 221 etc.; is his law pure paganism? 222 etc.; what he wrote of Christ, 222, 224 etc., 225 etc.; like to Christ, 225; defended against Faustus, 225, 232; his virtues; 298; slays the Egyptian, 299, 309; spoils the Egyptians, 300, 309; slaughters the idolatrous Israelites, 304, 310; burns and grinds to powder the golden calf, 310.

    Mouth, the, the value of the Manichæan symbol of, 74, etc.

    Mozley’s Ruling Ideas in Early Ages, referred to, 5, 51, 107; quoted, 28.

    Mugtasila, a Babylonian sect with which Mani was connected, 8.

    Muller, Max, his Sacred Books of the East, referred to, 20.

    Murder, the Manichæans guilty of, in cutting plants, 169.

    Mythology of the Pagans compared with that of the Manichæans, 55 sq.


    Nature, so far as it is nature, not evil, 354; every, as such, good, 136; cannot be without good, 146; corruption is not, 147; made by God, 148; and miracle, 321 sq.

    Natures corruptible, because made of nothing, 353.

    Nazareans, 240, 246.

    Neander on the relation of Buddhism to Manichæism, referred to, 20.

    Negativity of evil, 150.

    Neighbor, the love of, 54 sq.; doing good to, 55 sq.

    Neo-Platonism, dependence of Augustin on, 25 sq., 48, 150.

    New Testament, the Manichæan treatment of the, 332, 335.

    Nirvana, 20, 21.

    Noah, and the ark, 188 sq.; age of, at the flood, 189; God’s covenant with, 190; his drunkenness, 190; conduct of the sons of, 190.

    Non-resistance, 249.


    Obedience to the gospel, the Manichæan representation of, 162 etc.; reply to Faustus’ statement respecting, 163 etc.; unavailing without faith, 164.

    Oblasinski on the Acta-Disputationis, referred to, 4.

    Old man, the, and the news 51.

    Old Testament, the, and the New, the harmony of, 45 etc., 49 etc., 56, 57, 301 sq.; Faustus’ objections to, and charges against answered, 161 etc., 167 etc., 175, 176 etc., 211 etc., 212 etc., 273 sq., 277 etc., 332 etc., 334 etc.; the functions of, 335; the typical nature of, 335.

    Olive tree, the good, 176.

    Omnipotence of God, the, 322.

    Only-begotten, the, of God, 148.

    Ophitic Gnosticism, relation of to the old Babylonian religion and its later sects, 19.

    Order an element of the good, 352 sq.

    Origin of evil, the, 281 sq.

    Orpheus, 200, 205.


    Paganism, imputed to the Catholics by Faustus, 253; the charge of, retorted, 254 etc.; Christians vindicated from the charge of, 261, 263.

    Pain only in good natures, 355.

    Paraclete, the claim of Mani, born of ordinary generation, to be the, inconsistent with the Manichæan objection to the birth of Christ from the Virgin, 132; Manichæus not the apostle of the, 131; when sent forth, 133; the mission of the, 337; the promise of refers not to Manichæus, 338; sent immediately after the resurrection of Jesus, 338.

    Partridge, the, a type of heretics, 204.

    Passover, the, 193.

    Patience of Israel, the,” 205.

    Patriarchs, the, with all their faults, superior to the Manichæan Elect, and even the Manichæan god, 282; Faustus’ opinion of, 340; defended against the attacks of Faustus, 342.

    Paul and Circumcision, 245; did he change his opinions respecting Christ? 177 sq.; harmony of his teaching, 180 sq.; the natural fierce energy of, made use of by God, 299.

    Paul and Thecla, the apocryphal book of, referred to, 329.

    Paulinus of Nola mentioned, 62.

    Pelagian controversy more congenial to Augustin’s mind than the Manichæan, 35.

    Pelagians use Augustin’s anti-Manichæan utterances against him, 102, 103 et passim.

    Pentecost, 307.

    Perfection not attainable in this life, 58.

    Periods of the world, six, 185 sq.

    Peter, 299.

    Petrus Siculus on the Manichæans, referred to, 4.

    Philo, his interpretation of Scripture, 195.

    Photius on the Manichæans, referred to, 4.

    Plants, Manichæan view of the sacredness of the life of, 84.

    Poets, pagan, fictions of, more respectable than those of the Manichæans, 214 sq.

    Polygamy, 289, 290.

    Possidius’ Life of Augustin, referred to, 34.

    Power to do harm from God alone, 358.

    Prayer of Augustin for the conversion of the Manichæans, 107.

    Pride the cause of Manichæan error, 281.

    Principles, the two, of Manichæanism, 270.

    Procreation of children regarded as one of the greatest of evils by the Manichæans, 86 sq.

    Property allowed to believers by the apostles, 62.

    Prophecies of Christ, 183, 196, 197; the fulfillment of, its evidential power, 201.

    Prophecy, Hebrew, 199, 200.

    Prophecy, relation of Christ to, 235 sq.

    Prophet, the, like unto Moses, 224 sq.

    Prophets, the Hebrew, and their prophecies respecting Christ, defended against the assaults of Faustus, 183 etc.; 198, 199.

    Prostitution condemned by divine and eternal law, 295.

    Prudence, 54.

    Punishment and forgiveness of sins prerogatives of God, 357 sq.

    Punishment constituted for the sinning nature that it may be rightly ordered, 353.

    “Pure, all things pure to the,” 330 sq.

    Pusey’s statements about Mani referred to, 31.


    Rachel and Leah, 290295.

    Rationalism of the Manichæans, 134.

    Raven and the dove, the, sent forth from the ark, 189.

    Reason, the weakness of, in relation to God, 44.

    Record of faith, the, 206.

    Religious life of the Manichæans described by Faustus, 163.

    Repentance, the utility of, proves that the souls are not by nature evil, 106.

    Report, common, 201.

    Resurrection of the dead, the, 179.

    Rod of Moses, the, a type, 192.

    Rufinus, Consol, 113.


    Sabbath, the Jewish, 168, 169, 230, 231; why not binding on Christians, 243.

    Sabeanism, relation of to Manichæism and to the old Babylonian religion, 19.

    Sacraments, the, of the Old Testament, 544; of the Old Testament and the New, 244 sq.; relation of Gentile and Jewish Christians to the Old, 245 sq.

    Sacrifice, the true one, and imitations of, 260.

    Sacrifices of the Old Testament, 169, 170; typical, 238, 277.

    Sadder, the book, cited, 16.

    Sallust, referred to, 76.

    Samson and the lion, 193 sq.

    Sapor, King of Persia, 32.

    Sarah, her conduct towards Hagar, 284; Abraham’s denial of, as his wife, 285; and Abraham, types, 286, etc.

    Sassanian inscriptions, 9.

    Saturn, the fetters of, 238.

    Saul, 296 sq.

    Schaff’s History referred to, 3.

    Schism, as explained by Faustus, 235, 253.

    Schneckenburger’s criticism of Baur, 5.

    Scriptural authority, 180.

    Scriptures, the, authority of, 57, 239; Manichæan mode of dealing with, in controversy, 178; and other good books, 180; the record of faith, 206; how the record of the deeds of evil men in, is to be regarded, 295 sq.; the principle of interpretation to be applied to, 310 sq.; all, profitable, 311; Faustus would subject the, to himself, not be subject to, 339;the genuineness of, 342 sq.

    Sect and schism, 253.

    Secundinus, Augustin’s estimate of his reply to the letter of, 35.

    Seed, vegetable and animal, the nature of God in, liberated by being eaten by the Elect, 363 sq.

    Shew-bread, 194.

    Self-denial, Catholic, 165, 166.

    Semi-Christians and pseudo-Christians, 156.

    Sensible objects, not to beloved, 51, 52.

    Serpent, the brazen, 193.

    Sibylline books; 200, 205.

    Signacula, the three, 16, 74 sq.

    Simon Magus, 243, 290.

    Sin only from the will, 101 sq.; definition of, 103; not apart from free will, 120 sq.; the relation of Adam’s posterity to, 121; what is it? 283; not from God, but from the will of those sinning, 357; not the striving for an evil nature, but the desertion of a better, 358.

    Socrates’ History referred to, 31.

    Solomon, 304.

    Son of God begotten, not made 356; of David and Son of God, Christ the, denied by Faustus, 313, etc.; proved against Faustus, 314, etc.

    Soteriology of the Manichæans, 13.

    Soul, the chief good of man, 43; obtains virtue by following after God, 44; of our neighbor, duty of doing good to the, 56; sinned and therefore is miserable, 122; the, nature of the rational, 148; has no material form, and is present in every part of the body, 136, 137; has no material extension, 138; and body, 43; virtue gives perfection to, 43.

    Souls, absurd Manichæan notions respecting, 82 etc., 83 etc.; two, treatise on, 95 sq.; can have their existence from God alone, 95 sq.; that are called evil by the Manichæans, being capable of intellectual perception, are better than any object of perception, 96 sq.; supposed complaint of against the Manichæan God for involving them in endless misery, without necessity, and apart from their own will, 117 sq., 120.

    Spontaneous generation, supposed cases of, 85.

    Star of the Magi, the; 157, 158.

    Stars, Manichæan superstition regarding the, 158.

    Stercutio, a Roman demi-god, 72.

    Stokes’ art, Manes and Manichæans, referred to, 5, 29.

    Subjective method of dealing with Scripture practiced by the Manichæans, 178.

    Sulpicius Severus mentioned, 62.

    Sun worship on the part of the Manichæans, denied by Faustus, 252 sq.; the, Manichæan worship of, explained by Faustus, 252 etc.; absurd statements of Faustus exposed, 254.

    Sunday, and the Lord’s day, 238.

    Swearing, 247 sq.

    Symbolical nature of the Old Testament, 167 sq.

    Symbolic precepts of the Old Testament, 167, 168.

    Symbols, three moral, devised by the Manichæans, 74 etc., 83 etc., 86 etc.; material, visible speech, 244.


    Tables of stone, the, 213, 214.

    Tamar and Judah, 295 sq.; a type, 306 sq.

    Teacher, the Great, 147.

    Temperance, the duties of, 51.

    Thecla, Paul and, 329.

    Theodicy of Augustin incomplete, 282.

    Theology of the Manichæans, 10.

    Thieves and Robbers,” all who came before me are—who? 223.

    Thomas, how taught by Jesus, 234; apocryphal story of, 304.

    Tiele’s Outlines of the History of Religion, quoted, 17.

    Titus of Bostra on the Manichæans, referred to, 4.

    Trechsel on the Canon, Criticism, and Exegesis of the Manichæans, referred to, 5.

    Trinity, the, 49; absurd views of Faustus respecting, 252, 258; Fortunatus’ profession of belief in, 114.

    Truth, how to be sought, 130.

    Turanian dualism, 6.

    Turkestan, the refuge of Mani, 32.

    Turpitudes in God imagined by the Manichæans, 362 sq.

    Two men, the witness of, 223.

    Two territories, Manichæan theory of, refuted, 138.

    Type and testimony, 173.

    Types, Adam and Eve, 186; Cain and Abel, 186; the ark, 188; the flood, 189; the raven and dove, 190; Noah’s drunkenness, 190; Noah’s sons, 190; Abraham and Isaac, 191; the angel wrestling with Jacob, 191; Jacob’s stone, 191; Jacob’s ladder, 192; Joseph, 192; the rod of Moses, 192; the Exodus, 192; in the wilderness, 193; the conquest of Jericho, 193; events during the time of the Judges, 193; events in the time of the Kings, 194; the Church, in captivity, and the return from captivity, 194, 195; must be acknowledged, 195; sacrifices, 236; other observances besides sacrifices, 242; fulfilled in Christ, 242 etc.; actions and persons, 305; Judah’s incest, 305 etc.; Tamar, Er, and Onan, 306 sq.; David’s crime, 307; Solomon, 308; various, 335 sq.

    Typical actions, it is of no consequence whether they are good or bad, 305.


    Unclean and clean food, 170, 172.

    Uriah the Hittite, 308.


    Vanity of the world, the, 52

    Varanes, king of Persia, 32.

    Vices, as objects of intellectual apprehension, better than light which is perceived by sense, 97 sq.

    Virginity, Pagan and Christian, 262.

    Virtue, Augustin’s use of the word, 46; gives perfection to the soul, 44; the fourfold division, 48, 54.


    Wars, the real evils of, 301 sq.; ordered by God, 301 sq.

    Wegnern on Manichæan Indulgences, referred to, 5.

    Wilderness, the, typical occurrences in, 193.

    Wilson, of Bombay, on the Parsis, referred to, 36.

    Williams, Monier, Indian Wisdom, quoted, 5.

    Wine, the old and the new, 81; the Manichæan and the Catholic views of, 258.

    Wisdom, 50; identified with Christ, 50 etc.

    Witness, the, of two men, 223.

    Words, on what the value of depends, 306.

    Works of God, the, 266.

    World, the, to be despised, 51, 52; the vanity of, 52.

    World-bearer of the Manichæans, 255.


    Youths and maidens sent by God to entice the female and male princes of darkness—immoral tendency of such fables, 254, 362 sq.


    Zacagni’s Collectanea, referred to, 34.

    Zend-Avesta, quoted, 18.

    Zilpah and Bilhah, 293.

    Zittwitz on the Acta Disputationis, referred to, 4.

    Zodiac, connection of the Manichæan worship with, 14.

    Zoroastrianism, relation of to Manichæism, 16 sq.


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