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  • To the Bishops of the Province of Vienne.  In the matter of Hilary, Bishop of Arles.

    Letter X.

    To the Bishops of the Province of Vienne.  In the matter of Hilary, Bishop of Arles64

    64 Cf. Introduction p. vi.


    To the beloved brothers, the whole body of bishops of the province of Vienne, Leo, bishop of Rome.

    I.  The solidarity of the Church built upon the rock of S. Peter must be everywhere maintained.

    Our Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of mankind, instituted the observance of the Divine religion which He wished by the grace of God to shed its brightness upon all nations and all peoples in such a way that the Truth, which before was confined to the announcements of the Law and the Prophets, might through the Apostlestrumpet blast go out for the salvation of all men65

    65 Per Apostolicam tubam in salutem universitatis (Gk. τῆς οἰκουμένης) exiret, cf. Letter IX. Chap. ii. apostoli a Domino prædicandi omnibus gentibus evangelii tubam sumunt.

    , as it is written:  “Their sound has gone out into every land, and their words into the ends of the world66

    66 Ps. xix. 4.

    .”  But this mysterious function67

    67 Huius muneris sacramentum, his mind is running forward to his favourite sacramentum, that of Peter as the rock-man of the Church.

    the Lord wished to be indeed the concern of all the apostles, but in such a way that He has placed the principal charge on the blessed Peter, chief of all the Apostles68

    68 Cf. Letter XXVIII. chap. v. a principali petra (B. Petrus), soliditatem et virtutis traxit et nominis, etc.:  also Cyprian de unit. eccl. chapt. iv.

    :  and from him as from the Head wishes His gifts to flow to all the body:  so that any one who dares to secede from Peter’s solid rock may understand that he has no part or lot in the divine mystery.  For He wished him who had been received into partnership in His undivided unity to be named what He Himself was, when He said:  “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church69

    69 S. Matt. xvi. 18.

    :”  that the building of the eternal temple by the wondrous gift of God’s grace might rest on Peter’s solid rock:  strengthening His Church so surely that neither could human rashness assail it nor the gates of hell prevail against it.  But this most holy firmness of the rock, reared, as we have said, by the building hand of God, a man must wish to destroy in over-weaning wickedness when he tries to break down its power, by favouring his own desires, and not following what he received from men of old:  for he believes himself subject to no law, and held in check by no rules of God’s ordinances and breaks away, in his eagerness for novelty, from your use and ours, by adopting illegal practices, and letting what he ought to keep fall into abeyance.

    II.  Hilary is disturbing the peace of the Church by his insubordination.

    But with the approval, as we believe, of God, and retaining towards you the fulness of our love which the Apostolic See always, as you remember, expends upon you, holy brethren we are striving to correct these things by mature counsel, and to share with you the task of setting your churches in order, not by innovations but by restoration of the old; that we may persevere in the accustomed state which our fathers handed down to us, and please our God through the ministry of a good work by removing the scandals of disturbances.  And so we would have you recollect, brethren, as we do, that the Apostolic See, such is the reverence in which it is held, has times out of number been referred to and consulted by the priests of your province as well as others, and in the various matters of appeal, as the old usage demanded, it has reversed or confirmed decisions:  and in this way “the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace70

    70 Eph. iv. 3.

    ” has been kept, and by the interchange of letters, our honourable proceedings have promoted a lasting affection:  for “seeking not our own but the things of Christ71

    71 Phil. ii. 21.

    ,” we have been careful not to do despite to the dignity which God has given both to the churches and their priests.  But this path which with our fathers has been always so well kept to and wisely maintained, Hilary has quitted, and is likely to disturb the position and agreement of the priests by his novel arrogance:  desiring to subject you to his power in such a way as not to suffer himself to be subject to the blessed Apostle Peter, claiming for himself the ordinations of all the churches throughout the provinces of Gaul, and transferring to himself the dignity which is due to metropolitan priests; he diminishes even the reverence that is paid to the blessed Peter himself with his proud words:  for not only was the power of loosing and binding given to Peter before the others, but also to Peter more especially was entrusted the care of feeding the sheep72

    72 Cui cum præ (Quesnel conj. pro) cæteris solvendi et ligandi tradita sit potestas, pascendarum tamen ovium cura specialius mandata est.  Cf. S. John xxi. 15–17.

    .  Yet any one who holds that the headship must be denied to Peter, cannot really diminish his dignity:  but is puffed up with the breath of his pride, and plunges himself into the lowest depth.

    III.  Celidonius has been restored to his bishopric, the charges against him having been found false.

    Accordingly the written record of our proceedings shows what action we have taken in the matter of Celidonius73

    73 Celidonius was probably either bishop of Vienne or of Vesontis (Besançon):  see Perthel, p. 25.

    , the bishop, and what Hilary said in the presence and hearing of the aforesaid bishop.  For when Hilary had no reasonable answer to give in the council of the holy priests, “the secrets of his heart74

    74 Quesnel well refers this phrase to 1 Cor. xiv. 25.

    ” gave vent to utterances such as no layman could make and no priest listen to.  We were grieved, I acknowledge, brothers, and endeavoured to appease the tumult of his mind by patient treatment.  For we did not wish to exasperate those wounds which he was inflicting on his soul by his insolent retorts, and strove rather to pacify him whom we had taken up as a brother, although it was he who was entangling himself by his replies, than to cause him pain by our remarks.  Celidonius, the bishop, was therefore acquitted, for he had proved himself wrongfully deposed from the priesthood, by the clear replies of his witnesses made in his own presence:  so that Hilary, who remained with us, had no opposition to offer.  The judgment, therefore, was rescinded, which was brought forward and read to the effect that, as the husband of a widow75

    75 Cf. Letter IV. chap. iii.

    , he could not hold the priesthood.  Now this rule we, maintaining the legal constitutions76

    76 Servantes legalia constituta, these are taken to be not so much the canons of the Church as the provisions of the Mosaic Law, e.g. Lev. xxi. 14; Ezek. xliv. 22.

    , have wished scrupulously adhered to, not only in respect of priests but also of clergy of the lower ranks:  that those who have contracted such a marriage, or those who are proved not to be the husbands of only one wife contrary to the apostle’s discipline, should not be suffered to enter the sacred service77

    77 Militiam (lit. military service).

    .  But though we decree that those, whom their own acts condemn, must either not be admitted at all, or, if they have, must be removed, so those who are falsely so accused we are bound to clear after examination held, and not allow to lose their office.  For the sentence pronounced would have remained against him, if the truth of the charge had been proved.  And so Celidonius, our fellow-bishop, was restored to his church and to that dignity which he ought not to have lost, as the course of our proceedings, and the sentence which was pronounced by us after holding the inquiry testifies.

    IV.  Hilary’s treatment of Projectus does not redound to his credit.

    When this business was so concluded, the complaint of our brother and fellow-bishop, Projectus78

    78 Projectus was perhaps a bishop of the province of Gallia Narbonensis I.:  Perthel, p. 27.

    , next came before us:  who addressed us in a tearful and piteous letter, about the ordaining of a bishop over his head.  A letter was also brought to us from his own fellow-citizens, corroborated by a great many individual signatures, and full of the most unpleasant complaints against Hilary:  to the effect that Projectus, their bishop, was not allowed to be ill, but his priesthood had been transferred to another without their knowledge, and the heir brought into possession by Hilary, the intruder as if to fill up a vacancy, though the possessor was still alive79

    79 Quod Projecto episcopo suo ægrotare liberum non fuisset, eiusque sacerdotium in alium præter suam notitiam esse translatum, et tamquam in vacuam possessionem ab Hilario pervasore hæredem viventis inductum.  The construction is changed from quod.…fuisset, to the ordinary accus. and infin.

    .  We should like to hear what you, brothers, think on the point:  although we ought not to entertain any doubt about your feelings, when you picture to yourselves a brother lying on a sick-bed and tortured, not so much by his bodily weakness as by pains of another kind.  What hope in life is left a man who is visited with despair about his priesthood whilst another is set up in his place?  Hilary gives a clear proof of his gentle heart when he believed that the tardiness of a brother’s death is but a hindrance to his own ambitious designs.  For, as far as in him lay, he quenched the light for him; he robbed him of life by setting up another in his room, and thus causing him such pain as to hinder his recovery.  And supposing that his brother’s passage from this world was brief, but after the common course of men, what does Hilary seek for himself in another’s province, and why does he claim that which none of his predecessors before Patroclus possessed? whereas that very position which seemed to have been temporarily granted to Patroclus by the Apostolic See was afterwards withdrawn by a wiser decision80

    80 Patroclus had been Bishop of Arles circ. 416, and the then Bishop of Rome, Zosimus, had granted him metropolitan rights over the provinces of S.E. Gaul, which did not gain the acceptance of the other chief bishops in the district, and Boniface I. (Ep. 12), in 422, seems to have withdrawn the rights granted by Zosimus (Schaff, I, p. 297).

    .  At least the wishes of the citizens should have been waited for, and the testimony of the people81

    81 Civium:  populorum.  The former are apparently called lower down fidelium, and the latter, qui foris sunt.

    :  the opinion of those held in honour should have been asked, and the choice of the clergy—things which those who know the rules of the fathers are wont to observe in the ordination of priests:  that the rule of the Apostle’s authority might in all things be kept, which enjoins that one who is to be the priest of a church should be fortified, not only by the attestation of the faithful but also by the testimony of “those who are without82

    82 1 Tim. iii. 7.

    ,” and that no occasion for offence be left, when, in peace and in God-pleasing harmony with the full approval of all, one who will be a teacher of peace is ordained.

    V.  Hilary’s action was very reprehensible throughout, and we have restored Projectus.

    But Hilary came upon them unawares and departed no less suddenly, accomplishing many journeys with great speed, as we have ascertained, and traversing distant provinces with such haste that he seems to have coveted a reputation for the swiftness of a courier rather than for the sobriety of a priest83

    83 Gloriam de scurrili velocitate potius quam de sacerdotali moderatione captasse.

    .  For these are the words of the citizens in the letter that has been addressed to us:—“He departed before we knew he had come.”  This is not to return but to flee, not to exercise a shepherd’s wholesome care, but to employ the violence of a thief and a robber, as saith the Lord:  “he that entereth not by the door into the sheep-fold84

    84 In cortem ovium:  the low Latin word (cors) is in the Vulgate changed to ovile.

    , but climbeth up some other way, is a thief and a robber.”  Hilary, therefore, was anxious not so much to consecrate a bishop as to kill him who was sick, and to mislead the man whom he set over his head by wrongful ordination.  We, however, have done what, as God is our Judge, we believe you will approve:  after holding counsel with all the brethren we have decreed that the wrongfully ordained man should be deposed and the Bishop Projectus abide in his priesthood:  with the further provision that when any of our brethren in whatsoever province shall decease, he who has been agreed upon to be metropolitan of that province shall claim for himself the ordination of his successor.

    These two matters, as we see, have been settled, though there are many other points in them which seem to have violated the principles of the Church, and ought to be visited with just censure and judgment.  But we cannot linger on them any further, for we are called off to other matters on which we must carefully confer with you, holy brethren.

    VI.  Hilary’s practice of using armed violence must be suppressed.

    A band of soldiers, as we have learnt, follows the priest through the provinces and helps him who relies upon their armed support in turbulently invading churches, which have lost their own priests.  Before this court85

    85 Ante hoc officium.

    are dragged for ordination men who are quite unknown to the cities over which they are to be set.  For as one who is well known and approved is sought out in peace, so must one who is unknown, when brought forward, be established by violence.  I beg and entreat and beseech you in God’s name prevent such things, brethren, and remove all occasion for discord from your provinces.  At all events we acquit ourselves before God in beseeching you not to allow this to proceed further.  In peace and quietness should they be asked for who are to be priests.  The consent of the clergy, the testimony of those held in honour, the approval of the orders and the laity should be required86

    86 Cf. Cypr. Ep. lv. cap. vii., factus est Cornelius episcopus de Dei et Christi eius iudicio, de clericorum pæne omnium testimonio, de plebis, quæ tunc adfuit, suffragio et sacerdotum antiquorum et bonorum virorum collegio.

    .  He who is to govern all, should be chosen by all87

    87 Quesnel appositely quotes Pliny (Paneg. Traiani) imperaturus omnibus eligi debet ex omnibus.

    .  As we said before, each metropolitan should keep in his own hands the ordinations that occur in his own province, acting in concert with those who precede the rest in seniority of priesthood, a privilege restored to him through us.  No man should claim for himself another’s rights.  Each should keep within his own limits and boundaries, and should understand that he cannot pass on to another a privilege that belongs to himself.  But if any one neglecting the Apostle’s prohibitions and paying too much heed to personal favour, wishes to give up his precedence, thinking he can pass his rights on to another, not he to whom he has yielded, but he who ranks before the rest of the priests within the province in episcopal seniority, should claim to himself the power of ordaining.  The ordination should be performed not at random but on the proper day:  and it should be known that any one who has not been ordained on the evening of Saturday, which precedes the dawn of the first day of the week88

    88 Quod lucescit in prima sabbati; the phrase is repeated from Letter IX., chap. ii., to which refer to the whole passage.

    , or actually on the Lord’s day cannot be sure of his status.  For our forefathers judged the day of the Lord’s resurrection89

    89 Viz., Sunday.

    as alone worthy of the honour of being the occasion on which those who are to be made priests are given to God.

    VII.  Hilary is deposed not only from his usurped jurisdiction, but also from what of right belongs to him, and is restricted to his own single bishopric.

    Let each province be content with its own councils, and let not Hilary dare to summon synodal meetings besides, and by his interference disturb the judgments of the Lord’s priests.  And let him know that he is not only deposed from another’s rights, but also deprived of his power over the province of Vienne which he had wrongfully assumed.  For it is but fair, brethren, that the ordinances of antiquity should be restored, seeing that he who claimed for himself the ordinations of a province for which he was not responsible, has been shown in a similar way in the present case also to have acted so that, as he has on more than one occasion brought on himself sentence of condemnation by his rash and insolent words, he may now be kept by our command in accordance with the clemency of the Apostolic See90

    90 Pro apostolicæ sedis pietate, or “as loyalty to the Apostolic See demands.”

    to the priesthood of his own city alone.  He is not to be present then at any ordination:  he is not to ordain because, conscious of his deserts, when he was required to answer for his action, he trusted to make good his escape by disgraceful flight, and has put himself out of Apostolic communion, of which he did not deserve to be a partaker91

    91 This does not mean that Hilary is excommunicated, but that he is to have no share in episcopal privileges as a successor of the apostles.

    :  and we believe this was by God’s providence, who brought him to our court, though we did not expect him, and caused him to retire by stealth in the midst of holding the inquiry, that he should not be a partner in our communion92

    92 These words of course refer to Hilary’s journey on foot to Rome, and his subsequent escape from something very much like prison:  see Introduction, p. vi.:  for his degradation, cf. Letter XII., chap. ix., where a similar punishment is enacted.


    VIII.  Excommunication should be inflicted only on those who are guilty of some great crime, and even then not hastily.

    No Christian should lightly be denied communion93

    93 Here, no doubt, excommunication pure and simple is meant.  Cf. note 4, supr.

    , nor should that be done at the will of an angry priest which the judge’s mind ought to a certain extent unwillingly and regretfully to carry out for the punishment of a great crime.  For we have ascertained that some have been cut off from the grace of communion for trivial deeds and words, and that the soul for which Christ’s blood was shed has been exposed to the devil’s attacks and wounded, disarmed, so to say, and stript of all defence by the infliction of so savage a punishment as to fall an easy prey to him.  Of course if ever a case has arisen of such a kind as in due proportion to the nature of the crime committed to deprive a man of communion, he only who is involved in the accusation must be subjected to punishment:  and he who is not shown to be a partner in its commission ought not to share in the penalty.  But what wonder that one who is wont to exult over the condemnation of priests, should show himself in the same light towards laymen.

    IX.  Leontius is appointed in Hilary’s room.

    Wherefore, because our desire seems very different to this (for we are anxious that the settled state of all the Churches and the harmony of the priests should be maintained,) exhorting you to unity in the bond of love, we both entreat, and consistently with our affection admonish you, in the interests of your peace and dignity, to keep what has been decreed by us at the inspiration of God and the most blessed Apostle Peter, after sifting and testing all the matters at issue, being assured that what we are known to have decided in this way is not so much to our own advantage as to yours.  For we are not keeping in our own hands the ordinations of your provinces, as perhaps Hilary, with his usual untruthfulness, may suggest in order to mislead your minds, holy brethren:  but in our anxiety we are claiming for you that no further innovations should be allowed, and that for the future no opportunity should be given for the usurper to infringe your privileges.  For we acknowledge that it can only redound to our credit, if the diligence of the Apostolic See be kept unimpaired among you, and if in our maintenance of Apostolic discipline we do not allow what belongs to your position to fall to the ground through unscrupulous aggressions.  And since seniority is always to be respected, we wish Leontius94

    94 Leontius seems to have had little but his age to recommend him for this promotion:  the name of his bishopric is unknown, and the weakness of the appointment may, I think, be gathered from Leo’s insisting so strongly on the principle of seniority both here and in chap vi. above.

    , our brother and fellow-bishop, a priest well approved among you, to be promoted to this dignity, if it please you that without his consent no further council be summoned by you, holy brethren, and that he may be honoured by you all as his age and good fame demands, the metropolitans being secured in their own dignity and rights.  For it is but fair, and no injury seems to accrue to any of the brethren, if those who come first in seniority of the priesthood should, as their age deserves, have deference paid to them by the rest of the priests in their own provincesGod keep you safe, beloved brethren.


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