Creation Science Evangelism

Scoffers. . .

Several scoffers have said that I don’t understand science because in my seminar I show a picture to illustrate the conservation of angular momentum with the object flying off in a curved line. They say that if I knew any science I would know that objects fly off in a straight-line tangent to the circle.

Here is the story behind the story: I have nearly 4000 pictures in my presentation. Scores of different artists have contributed artwork or cartoons. As I get ideas that need to be illustrated I will call on one of the many artists who have volunteered to help. I once asked an artist friend to draw a picture for me to illustrate the conservation of angular momentum I describe in my seminar. They drew curved lines instead of straight and I did not catch the mistake for several weeks. As soon as I noticed it I corrected the drawing. I taught physical science for years and know full well that objects fly off a spinning object in a straight line. The scoffers are straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel again! They do this so they do not have to address the major point of the illustration (planets spinning backwards) at all!


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