Creation Science Evangelism

Debate Challenge

Click here for a list of professors who have refused to debate Dr. Kent Hovind.

In order to help students who face teachers* who promote evolution and/or ridicule those who believe in creation, this is my open challenge to debate any one (or group of people)** who believe in evolution. I will even pay them $100 if they will debate! If they do not wish to debate but would allow me to speak in their class that may be scheduled also. I travel extensively and my itinerary is kept up to date on my web site.

It is my contention that there is no scientific evidence for the theory of evolution. Evolution is a religion and should not be taught in public schools at taxpayer’s expense. Many proponents of the evolution religion rant and rave about the “truth of evolution” and “the folly of creation” when they are safely closed up in their classroom. This is where they have an obvious academic and psychological advantage over their students. However, they are normally fearful of defending their faith in front of a lowly former high school science teacher like me.

Since the creation/evolutionism topic is the central issue of why mankind exists as well as being the heart of our decision making process on hundreds of issues, I encourage students to ask their teachers and professors to accept this challenge to debate. Over the last 12 years so many hundreds have refused to debate that we decided to begin this list of professors who refuse to debate me. If you know of a person promoting the evolution view of life and/or ridiculing those who believe the Bible is literally true please ask them to accept this offer. When your professor refuses to face me in a debate it will normally be for one of the following lame reasons. Please send me their name, teaching position, number of years of experience, date and reason for refusal and we will add them to this list.

Typical silly reasons why evolutionists refuse to debate creationists:

1. “There is no debate; evolution is a fact- all scientists accept this.”
2. “Creation science is not science.”
3. “We don’t want to give a platform to creationists. Creation belongs in the church and evolution in science class.”
4. “The average audience doesn’t understand the complexities of evolution so it is hard for an evolutionist to explain in the short time allotted. This makes it appear the creationists have won.” [Hovind translation of this response-Evolutionists are smart and everyone who does not believe in evolution is too dumb to realize this.]
5. “Hovind is a professional debater who gets paid to do this.” I’m just a teacher/researcher. I have never had a debate class in my life. I don’t get paid to debate, I will pay them!
6. Dr. Walter Brown has a list of other common excuses (and a well reasoned response to each) listed at p. 319

* The debate challenge is not limited to teachers. Any person actively promoting the evolution theory such as: atheist club leaders, humanists, etc. Many teachers that I have met are promoting evolution out of simple, honest ignorance. They have never been exposed to the creation view. When they learn the facts they are willing to reconsider what they believe. My challenge is not intended to harm anyone or be a personal attack. I am against the evolution position not the person. I want to draw everyone to Christ. Anyone who teaches evolution should realize that they are destroying the faith students have in the teachings of Jesus. Jesus clearly believed the creation account as given in Genesis. Those who would destroy a child’s faith need to carefully read Jesus’ warning in Matthew 18:6.

I reserve the right to not waste time debating with uneducated fools simply wishing to become known.

** I will debate any number of people on the following conditions:

1. Equal time is give for each position not each person. If there are 5 evolutionists against me I still get ½ the time.
2. Only one topic will be debated at a time. I often do debates where the opponent brings up 6 topics and I only have time to respond to two, leaving the false impression that there is no response for the other four.
3. Times and places for the debate are available in or near the area I am holding my seminars on creation. My scheduling secretary, Marlissa Jewell, will make this determination. Typically Saturday night or Sunday afternoon will fit into the schedule. Sometimes midweek debates can be scheduled. I prefer to debate at colleges or universities but any room that can hold 600-1500+ and can be obtained for a reasonable cost will be considered.
4. Professional video or audio tapes of the debate may be made, by any parties, for resale on the condition they are not altered, copyrighted or restricted.
5. No profanity is allowed.
6. Anyone may ask questions during Q&A but only one topic at a time and no speeches.
7. Hecklers or unruly people will be removed.



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