Creation Science Evangelism

What can public school kids and their parents do about evolution being taught in the public school system?


Here are some practical suggestions students and their parents can take to fight evolution in the classroom. It certainly is unfair to use tax dollars to promote the religion of evolution and, at the same time, destroy the faith of Christian children in school.


Transfer your child from public school to private or home school. Public schools lose funding when enrollment drops. See

As a taxpayer, you have a right to help control your local schools, even if your children do not attend. Go to school board meetings.

Lobby for a law requiring a warning sticker in every book that contains evolution. Stephanie Bell, (334) 272-2777, implemented such a warning sticker law for Alabama textbooks.

Write to textbook publishers to express your opinion.

Run for school board or get on your textbook selection committee and demand that books be accurate. Most states already have laws requiring this. Getting false information out of the books will remove many items currently used to support evolution. See my Are You Being Brainwashed by Your Public School Textbook? for more on this topic, or my seminar video #4. Twenty-two of the 50 states have a state textbook selection committee. (In the other states the local district or the individual teachers will chose which books they will buy.) The committee normally selects 4 or 5 books from the 15 or so publishers who may submit books for review. These books are considered state approved and the districts must chose from those books if they want the state to pay for them. Publishers want to sell books so they produce what people will buy. If you chose the least poisonous book of the ones available be sure to write the other publishers and tell them why you did not chose theirs. The Gablers, (903) 753-5993 or, can be a great help in choosing good books.

Encourage students to do papers showing the religious nature of evolutionary theory in science class. Your school board may be persuaded to buy some material for the sake of equal time. If not, get and distribute books and videos as a mission project through your church.

Donate Creation Seminar tapes to your child’s science teacher or school library.

Inform teachers of their right to teach creation in public school. Many are fooled by the propaganda from groups like the ACLU into thinking they are not allowed to talk about creation when they really are.

(See Impact article 196 from Institute for Creation Research (619) 448-0900 or Teaching Creation Science in the Public School by Duane Gish available from CSE.)

Keep informed of trends in education and bills being introduced by getting on "the loop." Contact Fred at


Earn good grades; behave well; be on time; be respectful.

Pray for your teacher.

Talk to you teacher about evolution and creation issues privately, after class. Try to not confront them in class if possible.

Offer your teacher creation science material to read or watch. A video is a great non-offensive way to convert teachers to the truths of creation.

Have your parents demand that you be exempted from the evolutionary portions of class as they are contrary to your religion. (See Students’ Legal Rights on a Public School Campus by J. W. Brinkley or Students’ Rights in Public Education by the Rutherford Institute. Both available from CSE)


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