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PARALLEL BIBLE - Song of Solomon 8:6
CHAPTERS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8     

VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14




King James Bible - Song of Solomon 8:6

Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.

World English Bible

Set me as a seal on your heart, as a seal on your arm; for love is strong as death. Jealousy is as cruel as Sheol. Its flashes are flashes of fire, a very flame of Yahweh.

Douay-Rheims - Song of Solomon 8:6

Put me as a seal upon thy heart, as a seal upon thy arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy as hard as hell, the lamps thereof are fire and flames.

Webster's Bible Translation

Set me as a seal upon thy heart, as a seal upon thy arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals of it are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.

Original Hebrew

7760 כחותם 2368 על 5921 לבך 3820 כחותם 2368 על 5921 זרועך 2220 כי 3588 עזה 5794 כמות 4194 אהבה 160 קשׁה 7186 כשׁאול 7585 קנאה 7068 רשׁפיה 7565 רשׁפי 7565 אשׁ 784 שׁלהבתיה׃ 7957

Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge

VERSE (6) -
Ex 28:9-12,21,29,30 Isa 49:16 Jer 22:24 Hag 2:23 Zec 3:9

SEV Biblia, Chapter 8:6

Ponme como un sello sobre tu corazón, como un signo sobre tu brazo; porque fuerte es como la muerte el amor; duro como el sepulcro el celo; sus brasas, brasas de fuego, fuerte llama.

Clarke's Bible Commentary - Song of Solomon 8:6

Verse 6. Set me as a seal upon thine heart - It was customary in the Levant and other places to make impressions of various kinds upon the arms, the breast, and other parts. I have seen these often: some slight punctures are made, and the place rubbed over with a sort of blue powder that, getting between the cuticle and cutis, is never discharged; it continues in all its distinctness throughout life. The figures of young women are frequently thus impressed on the arms and on the breasts. If the
bride alludes to any thing of this kind, which is very probable, the interpretation is easy. Let me be thus depicted upon thine arm, which being constantly before thy eyes, thou wilt never forget me; and let me be thus depicted upon thy breast, the emblem of the share I have in thy heart and affections. Do this as a proof of the love I bear to thee, which is such as nothing but death can destroy; and do it to prevent any jealousy I might feel, which is as cruel as the grave, and as deadly as fiery arrows or poisoned darts shot into the body.

A most vehement flame. - hytbhlv shalhebethyah, "the flame of God;" for the word is divided hy tbhlv shalhebeth Yah, "the flame of Jehovah," by one hundred and sixteen of Dr. Kennicott's MSS., and by one hundred and fourteen of those of De Rossi. It may mean the lightning; or, as our text understands it, a most vehement or intense fire.

John Gill's Bible Commentary

Ver. 6. Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm , etc.] These are still the words of the church, speaking to Christ as she walked along with him, as the affixes in the Hebrew text show; in which she desires to have a fixed abiding place in his heart; to continue firmly in his love, and to have further manifestations of it; to be always remembered and supported by him; to be ever on his mind, and constantly under his care and protection; and to have a full assurance of interest in his love, and in his power, which is the sealing work of his Spirit, ( Ephesians 1:13 Ephesians 4:30). The allusion seems to be to the high: priest, a type of Christ, who had the names of the children of Israel engraved on precious stones, and bore by him on his shoulders, and on his heart, for a memorial before the Lord continually; or to the names of persons, engraved on jewels, wore by lovers on their arms or breasts, or to their pictures put there; not to signets or seals wore on those parts, but to the names and images of persons impressed on them: the Ethiopians understand it of something bound upon the arm, by which persons might be known, as was used in their country. The church’s desire is, that she might be affectionately loved by Christ, be deeply fixed in his heart, be ever in his view, owned and acknowledged by him, and protected by the arm of his power. Her reasons follow: for love [is] strong as death ; that is, the love or the church to Christ, which caused her to make the above requests: death conquers all; against it there is no standing; such was the love of the church, it surmounted all difficulties that lay in the way of enjoying Christ; nothing could separate from it; she was conquered by it herself f499 ; and could not live without him; a frown, an angry look from him, was as death unto her; yea, she could readily part with life and suffer death for his sake; death itself could not part her from him, or separate him from her love f500 ; so that her love was stronger than death; jealousy [is] cruel as the grave : the jealousy she had of Christ’s love to her which was her weakness; and yet it was very torturing and afflicting, though at the same time it showed the greatness of her love to Christ: or “envy”, that is of wicked men, she was the object of, which exceeds cruel wrath and outrageous anger, ( Proverbs 27:4); or rather her “zeal” f501 , which is no other than ardent love for Christ his Gospel, cause, and interest; which ate up and consumed her spirits, as the grave does what is cast into it. ( <19B9139> Psalm 119:139). Virgil gives the epithet of “cruel” to love; the coals thereof [are] coals of fire ; which expresses the fervency of her love to Christ, and zeal for the honour of his name: which, though sometimes cold and languid, is rekindled, and becomes hot and flaming; and is, like fire, insatiable, one of the four things that say, “It is not enough”, ( Proverbs 30:16); [which hath] a most vehement flame ; nothing is, nor, common with other writers f503 , than to attribute flame to love, and to call it a fire; here a most vehement flame. Or, “the flame of Jah” or “Jehovah” f504 ; an exceeding great one: the Hebrews use one or other of the names of God, as a superlative; so the mountains of God, and cedars of God, mean exceeding great ones; and here it expresses the church’s love in the highest degree, in such a flame as not to be quenched, as follows: or it signifies, that the flame of love in her breast was kindled by the Lord himself f505 , by his Spirit, compared to fire; or by his love, shed abroad in her heart by him, Hence it appears to be false, what is sometimes said, that the name of God is not used in this Song; since the greatest of all his names, Jab or Jehovah, is here expressed.

Matthew Henry Commentary

Desire for
communion with Christ. (Song 8:1-4) The vehemence of thi desire. (Song 8:5-7) The church pleads for others. (Song 8:8-12) An prays for Christ's coming. (Song 8:13,14)

Song 8:1-4 The church wishes for the constant intimacy and freedom with the Lord Jesus that a sister has with a brother. That they might be a his brethren, which they are, when by grace they are made partakers of a Divine nature. Christ is become as our Brother; wherever we find him let us be ready to own our relation to him, and affection for him, an not fear being despised for it. Is there in us an ardent wish to serv Christ more and better? What then have we laid up in store, to show ou affection to the Beloved of our souls? What fruit unto holiness? The church charges all her children that they never provoke Christ to withdraw. We should reason with ourselves, when tempted to do what would grieve the Spirit.

Song 8:5-7 The Jewish church came up from the wilderness, supported by Divine power and favour. The Christian church was raised from a low desolate condition, by the grace of Christ relied on. Believers, by the power of grace, are brought up from the wilderness. A sinful state is wilderness in which there is no true comfort; it is a wandering wanting state: There is no coming out of this wilderness, but leanin on Christ as our Beloved, by faith; not leaning to our ow understanding, nor trusting in any righteousness of our own; but in the strength of him, who is the Lord our Righteousness. The words of the church to Christ which follow, entreat an abiding place in his love and protection by his power. Set me as a seal upon thine heart; let m always have a place in thine heart; let me have an impression of love upon thine heart. Of this the soul would be assured, and without sense thereof no rest is to be found. Those who truly love Christ, ar jealous of every thing that would draw them from him; especially of themselves, lest they should do any thing to provoke him to withdra from them. If we love Christ, the fear of coming short of his love, or the temptations to forsake him, will be most painful to us. No water can quench Christ's love to us, nor any floods drown it. Let nothin abate our love to him. Nor will life, and all its comforts, entice believer from loving Christ. Love of Christ, will enable us to repe and triumph over temptations from the smiles of the world, as well a from its frowns.

Song 8:8-12 The church pleads for the Gentiles, who then had not the word of God, nor the means of grace. Those who are brought to Chris themselves, should contrive what they may do to help others to him Babes in Christ are always seen among Christians, and the welfare of their weak brethren is an object of continual prayer with the stronge believers. If the beginning of this work were likened to a wall buil upon Him the precious Foundation and Corner-stone, then the Gentil church would become as a palace for the great King, built of soli silver. If the first preaching of the gospel were as the making a doo through the wall of partition, that door should be lasting, as case with boards of durable cedar. She shall be carefully and effectuall protected, enclosed so as to receive no damage. The church is full of care for those yet uncalled. Christ says, I will do all that is necessary to be done for them. See with what satisfaction we shoul look back upon the times and seasons, when we were in his eyes as thos that find favour. Our hearts are our vineyards, which we must keep with all diligence. To Christ, and to his praise, all our fruits must be dedicated. All that work for Christ, work for themselves, and shall be unspeakable gainers by it.

Song 8:13,14 These verses close the conference between Christ and his church. He first addresses her as dwelling in the gardens, the assemblies and ordinances of his saints. He exhorts her to be constan and frequent in prayers, supplications, and praises, in which he delights. She replies, craving his speedy return to take her to be wholly with Him. The heavens, those high mountains of sweet spices must contain Christ, till the times come, when every eye shall see him in all the glory of the better world. True believers as they ar looking for, so they are hastening to the coming of that day of the Lord. Let every Christian endeavour to perform the duties of his station, that men may see his good works, and glorify his heavenl Father. Continuing earnest in prayer for what we want, ou thanksgivings will abound, and our joy will be full; our souls will be enriched, and our labours prospered. We shall be enabled to loo forward to death and judgment without fear. Even so, come, Lord Jesus __________________________________________________________________

Original Hebrew

שׂימני 7760 כחותם 2368 על 5921 לבך 3820 כחותם 2368 על 5921 זרועך 2220 כי 3588 עזה 5794 כמות 4194 אהבה 160 קשׁה 7186 כשׁאול 7585 קנאה 7068 רשׁפיה 7565 רשׁפי 7565 אשׁ 784 שׁלהבתיה׃ 7957

CHAPTERS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14


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