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  • Of the Harmony of the Old and New Laws.

    Book II.—Of the Harmony of the Old and New Laws.1393

    1393 I have so frequently had to construct my own text (by altering the reading or the punctuation of the Latin) in this book, that, for brevity’s sake, I must ask the reader to be content with this statement once for all, and not expect each case to be separately noted.

    After the faith was broken by the dint

    Of the foe’s breathing renegades,1394

    1394 The “foe,” as before, is Satan; his “breathing instruments” are the men whom he uses (cf. Shakespeare’s “no breather” = no man, in the dialogue between Orlando and Jacques, As you Like it, act iii. sc. 2); and they are called “renegades,” like the Evil One himself, because they have deserted from their allegiance to God in Christ.

    and sworn

    With wiles the hidden pest1395

    1395 Heresy.

    emerged; with lies

    Self-prompted, scornful of the Deity

    5  That underlies the sense, he did his plagues

    Concoct:  skilled in guile’s path, he mixed his own

    Words impious with the sayings of the saints.

    And on the good seed sowed his wretched tares,

    Thence willing that foul ruin’s every cause

    10  Should grow combined; to wit, that with more speed

    His own iniquitous deeds he may assign

    To God clandestinely, and may impale

    On penalties such as his suasion led;

    False with true veiling, turning rough with smooth,

    15  And, (masking his spear’s point with rosy wreaths,)

    Slaying the unwary unforeseen with death

    Supreme.  His supreme wickedness is this:

    That men, to such a depth of madness sunk!

    Off-broken boughs!1396

    1396 Cf. Bible:Rom.11.17-Rom.11.20">John xv. 2, 4, 5, 6; Rom. xi. 17–20.  The writer simply calls them “abruptos homines;” and he seems to mean excommunicated, like Marcion.

    should into parts divide

    20  The endlessly-dread Deity; Christ’s deeds

    Sublime should follow with false praise, and blame

    The former acts,1397

    1397 i.e., those recorded in the Old Testament.

    God’s countless miracles,

    Ne’er seen before, nor heard, nor in a heart


    1398 I have followed Migne’s suggestion here, and transposed one line of the original.  The reference seems to be to Isa. lxiv. 4; quoted in 1 Cor. ii. 9, where the Greek differs somewhat remarkably from the LXX.

    and should so rashly frame in words

    25  The impermissible impiety

    Of wishing by “wide dissimilitude

    Of sense” to prove that the two Testaments

    Sound adverse each to other, and the Lord’s

    Oppose the prophets’ words; of drawing down

    30  All the Law’s cause to infamy; and eke

    Of reprobating holy fathers’ life

    Of old, whom into friendship, and to share

    His gifts, God chose.  Without beginning, one

    Is, for its lesser part, accepted.1399

    1399 Unless some line has dropped out here, the construction, harsh enough in my English, is yet harsher in the Latin.  “Accipitur” has no subject of any kind, and one can only guess from what has gone before, and what follows, that it must mean “one Testament.


    35  Of one are four, of four one,1400

    1400 Harsh still.  It must refer to the four Gospels—the “coat without seam”—in their quadrate unity; Marcion receiving but one—St. Luke’s—and that without St. Luke’s name, and also in a mutilated and interpolated form.

    yet to them

    One part is pleasing, three they (in a word)

    Reprobate:  and they seize, in many ways,

    On Paul as their own author; yet was he

    Urged by a frenzied impulse of his own

    40  To his last words:1401

    1401 This seems to be the sense.  The allusion is to the fact that Marcion and his sect accepted but ten of St. Paul’s Epistles:  leaving out entirely those to Timothy and Titus, and all the other books, except his one Gospel.

      all whatsoe’er he spake

    Of the old covenant1402

    1402 It seems to me that the reference here must evidently be to the Epistle to the Hebrews, which treats specially of the old covenant.  If so, we have some indication as to the authorship, if not the date, of the book:  for Tertullian himself, though he frequently cites the Epistle, appears to hesitate (to say the least) as to ascribing it to St. Paul.

    seems hard to them

    Because, deservedly, “made gross in heart.”1403

    1403 Comp. Isa. vi. 9, 10, with Acts xxviii. 17–; 29.

    Weight apostolic, grace of beaming word,

    Dazzles their mind, nor can they possibly

    45  Discern the Spirit’s drift.  Dull as they are,

    Seek they congenial animals!

    But ye

    Who have not yet, (false deity your guide,

    Reprobate in your very mind,1404

    1404 The reference seems to be to Rom. i. 28; comp., too, Tit. i. 15, 16.

    ) to death’s

    Inmost caves penetrated, learn there flows

    50  A stream perennial from its fount, which feeds

    A tree, (twice sixfold are the fruits, its grace!)

    And into earth and to the orb’s four winds

    Goes out:  into so many parts doth flow

    The fount’s one hue and savour.1405

    1405 The reference is to Gen. ii. 9–14.

      Thus, withal,

    55  From apostolic word descends the Church,

    Out of Christ’s womb, with glory of His Sire

    All filled, to wash off filth, and vivify

    Dead fates.1406

    1406 Fata mortua.  This extraordinary expression appears to mean “dead men;” men who, through Adam, are fated, so to speak, to die, and are under the sad fate of being “dead in trespasses and sins.”  See Eph. ii. 1.  As far as quantity is concerned, it might as well be “facta mortua,” “dead works,” such as we read of in Heb. vi. 1; ix. 14.  It is true these works cannot strictly be said to be ever vivified; but a very similar inaccuracy seems to be committed by our author lower down in this same book.

      The Gospel, four in number, one

    In its diffusion ’mid the Gentiles, this,

    60  By faith elect accepted, Paul hands down

    (Excellent doctor!) pure, without a crime;

    And from it he forbade Galatian saints

    To turn aside withal; whom “brethren false,”

    (Urging them on to circumcise themselves,

    65  And follow “elements,” leaving behind

    Their novel “freedom,”) to “a shadow old

    Of things to be” were teaching to be slaves.

    These were the causes which Paul had to write

    To the Galatians:  not that they took out

    70  One small part of the Gospel, and held that

    For the whole bulk, leaving the greater part

    Behind.  And hence ’tis no words of a book,

    But Christ Himself, Christ sent into the orb,

    Who is the gospel, if ye will discern;

    75  Who from the Father came, sole Carrier

    Of tidings good; whose glory vast completes

    The early testimonies; by His work

    Showing how great the orb’s Creator is:

    Whose deeds, conjoined at the same time with words,

    80  Those faithful ones, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John,

    Recorded unalloyed (not speaking words

    External), sanctioned by God’s Spirit, ’neath

    So great a Master’s eye!

    This paschal Lamb

    Is hung, a victim, on the tree:  Him Paul,

    85  Writing decrees to Corinth, with his torch,1407

    1407 I have followed Oehler’s “face” for the common “phase;” but what the meaning is I will not venture to decide.  It may probably mean one of two things:  (a) that Paul wrote by torchlight; (b) that the light which Paul holds forth in his life and writings, is a torch to show the Corinthians and others Christ.

    Hands down as slain, the future life and God

    Promised to the fathers, whom before

    He had attracted.

    See what virtue, see

    What power, the paschal image1408

    1408 i.e., the legal passover, “image” or type of “the true Passover,” Christ.  See 1 Cor. v. 6–9.

    has; ye thus

    90  Will able be to see what power there is

    In the true Passover.

    Lest well-earned love

    Should tempt the faithful sire and seer,1409

    1409 Abraham.  See Gen. xxii. 1–19.

    to whom

    His pledge and heir1410

    1410 Isaac, a pledge to Abraham of all God’s other promises.

    was dear, whom God by chance1411

    1411 Forte.  I suppose this means out of the ordinary course of nature; but it is a strange word to use.

    Had given him, to offer him to God

    95  (A mighty execution!), there is shown

    To him a lamb entangled by the head

    In thorns; a holy victim—holy blood

    For blood—to God.  From whose piacular death,

    That to the wasted race1412

    1412 Israel, wasted by the severities of their Egyptian captivity.

    it might be sign

    100  And pledge of safety, signed are with blood

    Their posts and thresholds many:1413

    1413 “Multa;” but “muta” ="mute” has been suggested, and is not inapt.

    —aid immense!

    The flesh (a witness credible) is given

    For food.  The Jordan crossed, the land possessed,

    Joshua by law kept Passover with joy,

    105  And immolates a lamb; and the great kings

    And holy prophets that were after him,

    Not ignorant of the good promises

    Of sure salvation; full of godly fear

    The great Law to transgress, (that mass of types

    110  In image of the Supreme Virtue once

    To come,) did celebrate in order due

    The mirrorly-inspected passover.1414

    1414 I have given what appears to be a possible sense for these almost unintelligible lines.  They run as follows in Oehler:—

    “Et reliqui magni reges sanctique prophetæ,

    Non ignorantes certæ promissa salutis,

    Ingentemque metu pleni transcendere legem,

    Venturam summæ virtutis imagine molem,

    Inspectam e speculo celebrarunt ordine pascham.”

    I rather incline to alter them somehow thus :—

    “Ingentemque metu plenis transcendere legem,

    Venturum in summæ virtutis imagine,—solem

    Inspectum e speculo,—celebrarunt ordine pascham;”

    connecting these three lines with “non ignorantes,” and rendering:—

    “Not ignorant of the good promises

    Of sure salvation; and that One would come,

    For such as filled are with godly fear

    The law to overstep, a mighty One,

    In Highest Virtue’s image,—the Sun seen

    In mirror:—did in order celebrate

    The passover.”

    That is, in brief, they all, in celebrating the type, looked forward to the Antitype to come.

    In short, if thou recur with rapid mind

    To times primordial, thou wilt find results

    115  Too fatal following impious words.  That man

    Easily credulous, alas! and stripped

    Of life’s own covering, might covered be

    With skins, a lamb is hung: the wound slays sins,

    Or death by blood effaces or enshrouds

    120  Or cherishes the naked with its fleece.

    Is sheep’s blood of more worth than human blood,

    That, offered up for sins, it should quench wrath?

    Or is a lamb (as if he were more dear!)

    Of more worth than much people’s?  aid immense!

    125  As safeguard of so great salvation, could

    A lamb, if offered, have been price enough

    For the redeemed?  Nay: but Almighty God,

    The heaven’s and earth’s Creator, infinite,1415

    1415 Immensus.

    Living, and perfect, and perennially

    130  Dwelling in light, is not appeased by these,

    Nor joys in cattle’s blood.  Slain be all flocks;

    Be every herd upburned into smoke;

    That expiatively ’t may pardon win

    Of but one sin:  in vain at so vile price;

    135  Will the stained figure of the Lord—foul flesh

    Prepare, if wise, such honours:1416

    1416 This, again, seems to be the meaning, unless the passage (which is not probable) be corrupt.  The flesh, “foul” now with sin, is called the “stained image of the Lord,” as having been originally in His image, but being now stained by guilt.

      but the hope

    And faith to mortals promised of old—

    Great Reason’s counterpart1417

    1417 Faith is called so, as being the reflection of divine reason.

    —hath wrought to bring

    These boons premeditated and prepared

    140  Erst by the Father’s passing parent-love;

    That Christ should come to earth, and be a man!

    Whom when John saw, baptism’s first opener, John,

    Comrade of seers, apostle great, and sent

    As sure forerunner, witness faithful; John,

    145  August in life, and marked with praise sublime,1418

    1418 i.e., the praise of Christ Himself.  See Matt. xi. 7–15, with the parallel passage, Luke vii. 24–30; comp. also John v. 33–35.

    He shows, to such as sought of olden time

    God’s very Paschal Lamb, that He is come

    At last, the expiation of misdeed,

    To undo many’s sins by His own blood,

    150  In place of reprobates the Proven One,

    In place of vile the dear; in body, man;

    And, in life, God: that He, as the slain Lamb,

    Might us accept,1419

    1419 i.e., perhaps “render acceptable.”

    and for us might outpour

    Himself Thus hath it pleased the Lord to spoil

    155  Proud death:  thus wretched man will able be

    To hope salvation.  This slain paschal Lamb

    Paul preaches:  nor does a phantasmal shape

    Of the sublime Lord (one consimilar

    To Isaac’s silly sheep1420

    1420 See above, 91–99.

    ) the passion bear,

    160  Wherefore He is called Lamb:  but ’tis because,

    As wool, He these renewed bodies clothes,

    Giving to many covering, yet Himself

    Never deficient.  Thus does the Lord shroud

    In His Sire’s virtue, those whom, disarrayed

    165  Of their own light, He by His death redeemed,

    Virtue which ever is in Him.  So, then,

    The Shepherd who hath lost the sheep Himself

    Re-seeks it.  He, prepared to tread the strength

    Of the vine, and its thorns, or to o’ercome

    170  The wolf’s rage, and regain the cattle lost,

    And brave to snatch them out, the Lion He

    In sheepskin-guise, unasked presents Himself

    To the contemned1421

    1421 i.e., teeth which He contemned, for His people’s sake:  not that they are to us contemptible.

    teeth, baffling by His garb

    The robber’s bloody jaws.

    Thus everywhere

    175  Christ seeks force-captured Adam; treads the path

    Himself where death wrought ruin; permeates

    All the old heroes’ monuments;1422

    1422 i.e., perhaps permeating, by the influence of His death, the tombs of all the old saints.


    Each one; the One of whom all types were full;

    Begins e’en from the womb to expel the death

    180  Conceived simultaneously with seed

    Of flesh within the bosom; purging all

    Life’s stages with a silent wisdom; debts


    1423 i.e., undertaking our debts in our stead.

    ready to cleanse all, and give

    Their Maker back the many whom the one1424

    1424 Adam.  See Rom. v., passim.

    185  Had scattered.  And, because one direful man

    Down-sunk in pit iniquitous did fall,

    By dragon-subdued virgin’s1425

    1425 It is an idea of the genuine Tertullian, apparently, that Eve was a “virgin” all the time she was with Adam in Paradise.  A similar idea appears in the “Genesis” above.

    suasion led;

    Because he pleased her wittingly;1426

    1426 Consilio.  Comp. 1 Tim. ii. 14, “Adam was not deceived.”


    He left his heavenly covering1427

    1427 Called “life’s own covering” (i.e., apparently his innocence) in 117, above.


    190  Because the “tree” their nakedness did prove;

    Because dark death coerced them:  in like wise

    Out of the self-same mass1428

    1428 Or, “ore.”

    re-made returns

    Renewed now,—the flower of flesh, and host

    Of peace,—a flesh from espoused virgin born,

    195  Not of man’s seed; conjoined to its own

    Artificer; without the debt of death.

    These mandates of the Father through bright stars

    An angel carries down, that angel-fame

    The tidings may accredit; telling how

    200  “A virgin’s debts a virgin, flesh’s flesh,

    Should pay.”  Thus introduced, the Giant-Babe,

    The Elder-Boy, the Stripling-Man, pursues

    Death’s trail.  Thereafter, when completed was

    The ripe age of man’s strength, when man is wont

    205  To see the lives that were his fellows drop

    By slow degrees away, and to be changed

    In mien to wrinkles foul and limbs inert,

    While blood forsakes his veins, his course he stayed,

    And suffered not his fleshly garb to age.

    210  Upon what day or in what place did fall

    Most famous Adam, or outstretched his hand

    Rashly to touch the tree, on that same day,

    Returning as the years revolve, within

    The stadium of the “tree” the brave Athlete,

    215  ’Countering, outstretched His hands, and, penalty

    For praise pursuing,1429

    1429 Comp. Heb. xii. 2, “Who, for the joy that was set before Him”—“ὃς ἀντὶ τῆς προκειμένης αὑτῷ χαρᾶς.

    quite did vanquish death,

    Because He left death of His own accord

    Behind, disrobing Him of fleshly slough,

    And of death’s dues; and to the “tree” affixed

    220  The serpent’s spoil—“the world’s1430

    1430 Mundi.  See John xiv. 30.

    prince” vanquisht quite!

    Grand trophy of the renegades:  for sign

    Whereof had Moses hung the snake, that all,

    Who had by many serpents stricken been,

    Might gaze upon the dragon’s self, and see

    225  Him vanquisht and transfixt.

    When, afterwards,

    He reached the infernal region’s secret waves,

    And, as a victor, by the light which aye

    Attended Him, revealed His captive thrall,

    And by His virtue thoroughly fulfilled

    230  The Father’s bidding, He Himself re-took

    The body which, spontaneous, He had left:

    This was the cause of death:  this same was made

    Salvation’s path:  a messenger of guile

    The former was; the latter messenger

    235  Of peace:  a spouse her man1431

    1431 Virum.

    did slay; a spouse

    Did bear a lion:1432

    1432 “The Lion of the tribe of Juda.”  Rev. v. 5.

      hurtful to her man1433

    1433 Viro.  This use of “man” may be justified, to say nothing of other arguments, from Jer. xliv. 19, where “our men” seem plainly ="our husbands.”  See marg.

    A virgin1434

    1434 Virgo:  a play on the word in connection with the “viro” and what follows.

    proved; a man1435

    1435 Vir.

    from virgin born

    Proved victor:  for a type whereof, while sleep


    1436 i.e., Adam’s.  The constructions, as will be seen, are oddly confused throughout, and I rather suspect some transposition of lines.

    body wrapped, out of his side is ta’en

    240  A woman,1437

    1437 Mulier.

    who is her lord’s1438

    1438 Mariti.

    rib; whom, he,

    Awaking, called “flesh from his flesh, and bones

    From his own bones;” with a presaging mind

    Speaking.  Faith wondrous!  Paul deservedly,

    (Most certain author!) teaches Christ to be

    245  “The Second Adam from the heavens.”1439

    1439 See 1 Cor. xv. 22 sqq., especially 45, 47.


    Using her own examples, doth refulge;

    Nor covets out of alien source to show

    Her paces keen:1440

    1440 Acres gressus.

      this is a pauper’s work,

    Needy of virtue of his own!  Great Paul

    250  These mysteries—taught to him—did teach; to wit,

    Discerning that in Christ thy glory is,

    O Church! from His side, hanging on high “tree,”

    His lifeless body’s “blood and humour” flowed.

    The blood the woman1441

    1441 Femina.

    was; the waters were

    255  The new gifts of the font:1442

    1442 Lavacri.

      this is the Church,

    True mother of a living people; flesh

    New from Christ’s flesh, and from His bones a bone.

    A spot there is called Golgotha,—of old

    The fathers’ earlier tongue thus called its name,—

    260  “The skull-pan of a head:”  here is earth’s midst;

    Here victory’s sign; here, have our elders taught,

    There was a great head1443

    1443 “Os;” lit., “face” or “mouth.”

    found; here the first man,

    We have been taught, was buried; here the Christ

    Suffers; with sacred blood the earth1444

    1444 Terra.

    grows moist.

    265  That the old Adam’s dust may able be,

    Commingled with Christ’s blood, to be upraised

    By dripping water’s virtue.  The “one ewe”

    That is, which, during Sabbath-hours, alive

    The Shepherd did resolve that He would draw

    270  Out of th’ infernal pit.  This was the cause

    Why, on the Sabbaths, He was wont to cure

    The prematurely dead limbs of all flesh;

    Or perfected for sight the eyes of him

    Blind from his birtheyes which He had not erst

    275  Given; or, in presence of the multitude,

    Called, during Sabbath-hours, one wholly dead

    To life, e’en from the sepulchre.1445

    1445 This would seem to refer to Lazarus; but it seems to be an assumption that his raising took place on a Sabbath.


    The new man’s Maker, the Repairer good

    Of th’ old, supplying what did lack, or else

    280  Restoring what was lost.  About to do—

    When dawns “the holy day”—these works, for such

    As hope in Him, in plenitude, (to keep

    His plighted word,) He taught men thus His power

    To do them.

    What?  If flesh dies, and no hope

    285  Is given of salvation, say, what grounds

    Christ had to feign Himself a man, and head

    Men, or have care for flesh?  If He recalls1446

    1446 i.e., to life.

    Some few, why shall He not withal recall

    All?  Can corruption’s power liquefy

    290  The body and undo it, and shall not

    The virtue of the Lord be powerful

    The undone to recall?

    They, who believe

    Their bodies are not loosed from death, do not

    Believe the Lord, who wills to raise His own

    295  Works sunken; or else say they that the Good

    Wills not, and that the Potent hath not power,—

    Ignorant from how great a crime they suck

    Their milk, in daring to set things infirm

    Above the Strong.1447

    1447 I have ventured to alter the “Morti,” of the edd. into “Forti;” and “causas” (as we have seen) seems, in this late Latin, nearly ="res.”

      In the grain lurks the tree;

    300  And if this1448

    1448 i.e., the grain.

    rot not, buried in the earth,

    It yields not tree-graced fruits.1449

    1449 This may seem an unusual expression, as it is more common to regard the fruit as gracing the tree, than the tree the fruit.  But, in point of fact, the tree, with its graceful form and foliage, may be said to give a grace to the fruit; and so our author puts it here:  “decoratos arbore fructus.”

      Soon bound will be

    The liquid waters:  ’neath the whistling cold

    They will become, and ever will be stones,

    Unless a mighty power, by leading on

    305  Soft-breathing warmth, undo them.  The great bunch

    Lurks in the tendril’s slender body:  if

    Thou seek it, it is not; when God doth will,

    ’Tis seen to be.  On trees their leaves, on thorns

    The rose, the seeds on plains, are dead and fail,

    310  And rise again, new living.  For man’s use

    These things doth God before his eyes recall

    And form anew—man’s, for whose sake at first1450

    1450 I read “primum” here for “primus.”

    The wealthy One made all things bounteously.

    All naked fall; with its own body each

    315  He clothes.  Why man alone, on whom He showered

    Such honours, should He not recall in all

    His first perfection1451

    1451 “Tantum” ="tantum quantum primo fuerat,” i.e., with a body as well as a spirit.

    to Himself? man, whom

    He set o’er all?

    Flesh, then, and blood are said

    To be not worthy of God’s realm, as if

    320  Paul spake of flesh materially.  He

    Indeed taught mighty truths; but hearts inane

    Think he used carnal speech:  for pristine deeds

    He meant beneath the name of “flesh and blood;”

    Remembering, heavenly homeslave that he is,

    325  His heavenly Master’s words; who gave the name

    Of His own honour to men born from Him

    Through water, and from His own Spirit poured

    A pledge;1452

    1452 Pignus:  “the promise of the Father” (Acts i. 4); “the earnest of the Spirit” (2 Cor. i. 22; v. 5.).  See, too, Eph. i. 13, 14; Rom. viii. 23.

    that, by whose virtue men had been

    Redeemed, His name of honour they withal

    330  Might, when renewed, receive.  Because, then, He

    Refused, on the old score, the heavenly realm

    To peoples not yet from His fount re-born,

    Still with their ancient sordid raiment clad—

    These are “the dues of death”—saying that that

    335  Which human is must needs be born again,—

    “What hath been born of flesh is flesh; and what

    From Spirit, life;”1453

    1453 The reference is to John iii. 6, but it is not quite correctly given.

    and that the body, washed,

    Changing with glory its old root’s new seeds,1454

    1454 See note on 245, above.

    Is no more called “from flesh:”  Paul follows this;

    340  Thus did he speak of “flesh.”  In fine, he said1455

    1455 See 2 Cor. v. 1. sqq.

    This frail garb with a robe must be o’erclad,

    This mortal form be wholly covered;

    Not that another body must be given,

    But that the former one, dismantled,1456

    1456 I read “inermum”—a very rare form—here for “inermem.”  But there seems a confusion in the text, which here, as elsewhere, is probably corrupt.


    345  Be with God’s kingdom wholly on all sides

    Surrounded:  “In the moment of a glance,”

    He says, “it shall be changed:”  as, on the blade,

    Dispreads the red corn’s1457

    1457 “Ceræ,” which seems senseless here, I have changed to “cereris.”

    face, and changes ’neath

    The sun’s glare its own hue; so the same flesh,

    350  From “the effulgent glory1458

    1458 There seems to be a reference to 2 Pet. i. 17.


    Shall ever joy, and joying,1459

    1459 Here again I have altered the punctuation by a very simple change.

    shall lack death;

    Exclaiming that “the body’s cruel foe

    Is vanquisht quite; death, by the victory

    Of the brave Christ, is swallowed;”1460

    1460 See 1 Cor. xv. 54; Isa. xxv. 8 (where the LXX. have a strange reading).

    praises high

    355  Bearing to God, unto the highest stars.


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