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PARALLEL BIBLE - Ecclesiastes 1:3

CHAPTERS: Ecclesiastes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12     

VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18




King James Bible - Ecclesiastes 1:3

What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?

World English Bible

What does man gain from all his labor in which he labors under the sun?

Douay-Rheims - Ecclesiastes 1:3

What hath a man more of all his labour, that he taketh under the sun?

Webster's Bible Translation

What profit hath a man of all his labor, which he taketh under the sun?

Original Hebrew

4100 יתרון 3504 לאדם 120 בכל 3605 עמלו 5999 שׁיעמל 5998 תחת 8478 השׁמשׁ׃ 8121

Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge

VERSE (3) -
Ec 2:22; 3:9; 5:16 Pr 23:4,5 Isa 55:2 Hab 2:13,18 Mt 16:26

SEV Biblia, Chapter 1:3

¿Qué provecho tiene el hombre de todo su trabajo con que se afana debajo del sol?

Clarke's Bible Commentary - Ecclesiastes 1:3

Verse 3. What
profit hath a man - What is the sum of the real good he has gained by all his toils in life? They, in themselves, have neither made him contented nor happy.

John Gill's Bible Commentary

Ver. 3. What
profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun ?] This is a general proof of the vanity of all things, since there is no profit arises to a man of all his labour; for, though it is put by way of question, it carries in it a strong negative. All things a man enjoys he gets by labour; for man, through sin, is doomed and born unto it, ( Job 5:7); he gets his bread by the sweat of his brow, which is a part of the curse for sin; and the wealth and riches got by a diligent hand, with a divine blessing, are got by labour; and so all knowledge of natural and civil things is acquired through much labour and weariness of the flesh; and these are things a man labours for “under the sun”, which measures out the time of his labour: when the sun riseth, man goeth forth to his labour; and, by the light and comfortable warmth of it, he performs his work with more exactness and cheerfulness; in some climates, and in some seasons, its heat, especially at noon, makes labour burdensome, which is called, bearing “the heat and burden of the day”, ( Matthew 20:12); and, when it sets, it closes the time of service and labour, and therefore the servant earnestly desires the evening shadow, ( Job 7:2). But now, of what profit and advantage is all this labour man takes under the sun, towards his happiness in the world above the sun? that glory and felicity, which lies in super celestial places in Christ Jesus? none at all. Or, “what remains of all his labour?” as it may be rendered; that is, after death: so the Targum, “what is there remains to a man after he is dead, of all his labour which he laboured under the sun in this world?” nothing at all. He goes naked out of the world as he came into it; he can carry nothing away with him of all his wealth and substance he has acquired; nor any of his worldly glory, and grandeur, and titles of honour; these all die with him, his glory does not descend after him; wherefore it is a clear case that all these things are vanity of vanities; (see Job 1:21 1 Timothy 6:7 Psalm 49:16,17 Ecclesiastes 5:15). And, indeed, works of righteousness done by men, and trusted in, and by which they labour to establish a justifying righteousness, are of no profit and advantage to them in the business of justification and salvation; indeed, when these are done from right principles, and with right views, the labour in them shall not be in vain; God will not forget it; it shall have a reward of grace, though not of debt.

Matthew Henry Commentary

Solomon shows that all human things are vain. (Eccl. 1:1-3) Man's toi and want of satisfaction. (Eccl. 1:4-8) There is nothing new. (Eccl 1:9-11) The vexation in pursuit of knowledge. (Eccl. 1:12-18)

Eccl. 1:1-3 Much is to be learned by comparing one part of Scriptur with another. We here behold Solomon returning from the broken an empty cisterns of the world, to the Fountain of living water; recordin his own folly and shame, the bitterness of his disappointment, and the lessons he had learned. Those that have taken warning to turn and live should warn others not to go on and die. He does not merely say all things are vain, but that they are vanity. VANITY OF VANITIES, ALL I VANITY. This is the text of the preacher's sermon, of which in thi book he never loses sight. If this world, in its present state, wer all, it would not be worth living for; and the wealth and pleasure of this world, if we had ever so much, are not enough to make us happy What profit has a man of all his labour? All he gets by it will no supply the wants of the soul, nor satisfy its desires; will not aton for the sins of the soul, nor hinder the loss of it: what profit wil the wealth of the world be to the soul in death, in judgment, or in the everlasting state?

Eccl. 1:4-8 All things change, and never rest. Man, after all his labour, is no nearer finding rest than the sun, the wind, or the current of the river. His soul will find no rest, if he has it not from God. The senses are soon tired, yet still craving what is untried.

Eccl. 1:9-11 Men's hearts and their corruptions are the same now as in former times; their desires, and pursuits, and complaints, still the same. This should take us from expecting happiness in the creature, an quicken us to seek eternal blessings. How many things and persons i Solomon's day were thought very great, yet there is no remembrance of them now!

Eccl. 1:12-18 Solomon tried all things, and found them vanity. He foun his searches after knowledge weariness, not only to the flesh, but to the mind. The more he saw of the works done under the sun, the more he saw their vanity; and the sight often vexed his spirit. He coul neither gain that satisfaction to himself, nor do that good to others which he expected. Even the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom discovere man's wickedness and misery; so that the more he knew, the more he saw cause to lament and mourn. Let us learn to hate and fear sin, the caus of all this vanity and misery; to value Christ; to seek rest in the knowledge, love, and service of the Saviour __________________________________________________________________

Original Hebrew

מה 4100 יתרון 3504 לאדם 120 בכל 3605 עמלו 5999 שׁיעמל 5998 תחת 8478 השׁמשׁ׃ 8121

CHAPTERS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18


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